Page 384 - Medicine and Surgery
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                   380 Chapter 8: Musculoskeletal system

                   Age                                          Churg–Strauss syndrome
                   Middle age                                   (allergic granulomatosis)
                   Sex                                          Multisystem disorder consisting of asthma and rhinitis,
                   4M:1F                                        eosinophilia, eosinophilic infiltration, small vessel vas-
                                                                culitis and extravascular granulomas.
                   Associated with hepatitis B infection in 10–20% be-
                   cause of hepatitis B surface antigen immune complexes.
                                                                Peak incidence 30–40 years.
                   Also associated with hairy cell leukaemia. Transmural
                   neutrophil infiltration of medium-sized arteries occurs,
                   causing degeneration, weakness and microaneurysm
                   formation. Veins are also affected and the condition may
                                                                M = F
                   result in thrombosis and tissue infarction.

                   Clinical features                            Aetiology/pathophysiology
                   Polyarteritis nodosa is usually an acute illness charac-  It is thought to be an autoimmune disorder.
                   terised by calf pain, general malaise, myalgia and weight
                   loss for a few days prior to visceral manifestations:
                     Musculocutaneous: Migratory arthralgia or arthritis,
                                                                Clinical features
                                                                    Prodromal disorder of allergic rhinitis and asthma.
                     purpura and subcutaneous haemorrhage.
                                                                    Peripheral blood eosinophilia and eosinophilic infil-
                     Cardiovascular system: Coronary arteritis leading to

                                                                  tration of the lung and gastrointestinal tract.
                     cardiac arrhythmias, failure and myocardial infarc-
                                                                    Systemic vasculitis of the medium and small ves-
                                                                  sels with vascular and extravascular granulomatosis.
                     Gastrointestinal system: Mesenteric arteritis causing

                                                                  Affected organs include the skin with subcutaneous
                     pain, haemorrhage and mucosal ulceration.
                                                                  nodules, purpura and haemorrhages; heart with peri-
                     Genitourinary system: Haematuria, proteinuria, hy-

                                                                  carditis, cardiac failure and myocardial infarction;
                     pertension, renal infarction and renal failure.
                     Nervous system: Polyneuropathy (mononeuritis mul-
                                                                  neurological system with a mononeuritis multiplex;
                     tiplex) with motor and sensory deficits.      kidney with a focal segmental glomerulonephritis;
                                                                  gastrointestinal system with an eosinophilic gastroen-
                                                                  teritis and musculoskeletal system causing myalgia
                   Investigations                                 and migratory polyarthritis.
                   Raised ESR and white blood count. Patients are usually
                   neurysmsoftherenalorintestinalvessels.Diagnosismay  Investigations
                   be made on biopsy of affected organs.        Chest X-ray may show patchy pneumonia-like shadow-
                   Corticosteroids and immunosuppressive agents (e.g. cy-
                                                                itive in 70%. The diagnosis can be confirmed on biopsy
                   clophosphamide) in severe acute cases.
                                                                of affected organs.
                   Wegener’s granulomatosis
                   See page 124 in Chapter 3 (Respiratory System).  Treatment involves steroids and azathiporine.
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