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                                                                             Chapter 11: Diabetes mellitus 457

                  Age                                           Diabetic patients may have other causes for proteinuria
                  Increases with age.                           and renal failure, so particularly if there are atypical fea-
                                                                tures such as haematuria, rapid onset or absent retinopa-
                  Aetiology                                     thy further investigation must be carried out to look for
                  Associated with hypertension, smoking and poor gly-  another cause.
                  caemic control.
                                                                 Microalbuminuria and proteinuria require aggres-

                                                                 sive treatment of hypertension (<130/75), better gly-
                  In addition to the other microvascular mechanisms
                                                                 caemic control and cessation of smoking. ACE in-
                  hypertension can accelerate nephropathy by causing
                                                                 hibitors and angiotensin II blockers appear to be most
                  further thickening of the capillary walls and reduced
                                                                 effective in reducing protein loss and delaying pro-
                  glomerular filtration rate. This further increases hyper-
                                                                   End-stage renal failure is treated as for non-diabetics.
                    Glomerular basement membrane (GBM) thickening
                                                                 Haemodialysis may be more complicated because of
                  and glomerulosclerosis due to an increase in the mesan-
                                                                 increased cardiovascular disease and autonomic neu-
                  gial matrix. It leads to diffuse sclerosis of the glomeru-
                                                                 ropathy which exacerbates postural hypotension. Hy-
                  lus, which later condenses into nodular lesions, called
                                                                 poglycaemia may occur because insulin and sulpho-
                  Kimmelstiel-Wilson lesions. The thickening of the base-
                                                                 nylureas accumulate in renal failure.
                  ment membrane increases its permeability to albumin.
                                                                   Renal transplantation is the preferred option in
                  As the disease progresses, the amount of protein lost in-
                                                                 younger patients, and pancreatic-renal transplants
                                                                 may be of value in reducing diabetic complications.
                    The glomerular filtration rate is initially normal, but
                  falls with progressive renal damage and chronic renal
                  failure occurs around 5–7 years after macroalbuminuria  Diabetic neuropathy
                  occurs.                                       Definition
                                                                Nerve damage is one of the microvascular complications
                  Clinical features                             of diabetes mellitus.
                  The condition is asymptomatic until chronic renal fail-
                  ure or nephrotic syndrome develops. Patients should be  Incidence/prevalence
                  screened annually for all diabetic complications and hy-  Diabetesisthemostcommonmetabolicdisordercausing
                  pertension.                                   neuropathy: 10% of diabetics have significant symptoms
                                                                and 30% have evidence on testing.
                  The GBM is thickened (can be seen on electron mi-  Aetiology
                                                                It is thought to be secondary to hyperglycaemia and mi-
                  croscopy). There are exudative lesions on the surface
                                                                crovascular disease.
                  of the glomerulus, which are masses of red-staining fib-
                                                                There are three main types of diabetic neuropathy:
                  rinprotein. The mesangial matrix is expanded and there
                                                                   Symmetrical peripheral neuropathy: Affecting sen-
                  are round hyaline areas in the glomeruli (Kimmelstiel-
                  Wilson nodules).                               sory and motor function diffusely, particularly in the
                                                                 lower limbs. This can be a painful neuropathy.
                                                                 Focal and multifocal neuropathy: Affecting one or

                                                                 more cranial or peripheral nerves.
                  Annual screening of urine for microalbuminuria.
                                                                   Autonomic neuropathy: Affecting the sympathetic
                  Amount of albumin lost per 24 hours:
                                                                 and parasympathetic nerves.
                    30–300 mg/24 hours  Microalbuminuria
                    >300 mg/24 hours    Proteinuria             Pathophysiology
                    >3.6 g/24 hours     Hypoalbuminaemia and       Hyperglycaemia may damage nerves through non-
                                        Nephrotic syndrome       enzymatic glycosylation of proteins or through the
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