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                   454 Chapter 11: Endocrine system

                   Pancreatic disease:At least two thirds of the pan-     Insulin-resistant diabetes with acanthosis nigricans
                   creas must be lost to cause a type 1 diabetes like  i. Young women who have polycystic ovaries and re-
                   syndrome. Causes include chronic pancreatitis, post-  duced numbers of insulin receptors due to muta-
                   pancreatectomy, pancreatic cancer, cystic fibrosis or  tions in the allele for the receptor gene.
                   haemochromatosis.                              ii. Older patients with antibodies to insulin receptors
                   Insulin counter-regulatory hormones inhibit insulin  reducing their affinity for insulin.
                   secretion or cause insulin resistance. This includes drugs
                   and results in a type 2 diabetes like syndrome.  Insulin therapy
                     Growth hormone (acromegaly)

                     Glucocorticoids (Cushing’s syndrome or disease, ia-  Synthetic insulin is administered subcutaneously in

                     trogenic)                                  avariety of regimens. Various insulins have been
                     Glucagon (glucagonoma)                     ‘designed’ with different pharmacokinetic effects (see

                     Catecholamines (phaeochromocytoma)         Table 11.17).

                     Somatostatin (pancreatic somatostatinoma)    Twocommon regimens are used (see Fig. 11.15):

                     Oral contraceptives and pregnancy probably due to  Atwice daily adminstration of biphasic insulin, with

                     the oestrogens (and also increased cortisol seen in  two thirds of the total daily dose given before breakfast
                     pregnancy).                                  and one third given before the evening meal.
                   Drugs may inhibit insulin secretion or cause damage to     Abolus of short or immediate acting insulin given
                   the pancreatic islets.                         three times a day at meal times and a medium or
                     Thiazides and phenytoin inhibit insulin secretion.  long-acting insulin given at night. The advantage of

                     Pentamidine damages the β-cells.             this regimen is that meal times and quantities can be

                   Insulin receptor defects.These are rare disorders and  varied. If immediate acting insulin is used it is taken
                   include:                                       at or immediately after the meal, if short acting is
                     DIDMOAD (diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, op-  used then this is administered 30 minutes before the

                     tic atrophy and deafness)                    meal.
                   Table 11.17 Insulin regimens

                   Type of Insulin    No. of injections
                   (length of action)  per day (usual)        Description                      Name
                   Immediate          2or3 (plus once daily                                    Lispro
                    Onset              medium or long acting)                                  Novorapid
                    Duration 4 h
                   Short              2–4 (plus once daily medium  Soluble                     Actrapid
                    Onset 0.5 h        or long acting)                                         Velosulin
                    Peak 2–4 h                                                                 Humulin S
                    Duration 4–6 h
                   Medium             2                       Isophane (insulin zinc and protamine  Insulatard
                    Onset 3 h                                   (a protein) suspension)        Protaphane
                    Peak 6–10 h                               Insulin detemir (soluble insulin analogue)  Humulin I
                    Duration 12–24 h                                                           Levemir
                   Long               1                       Insulin zinc suspension (protein and zinc  Human ultratard
                    Onset 3–4 h                                 crystals)                      Lantus
                    Peak 12–18 h                              Insulin glargine (forms slowly absorbed
                    Duration ∼24 h                              subcutaneous crystals)
                   Biphasic           1–2                     Mixture of soluble and isophane  Human mixtard
                    Onset 0.5 h                                                                Humulin M5
                    Peak 2–10 h
                    Duration 12–18 h
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