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                   450 Chapter 11: Endocrine system

                   as those of hypoparathyroidism. Some patients have     Type IIb MEN may also have numerous mucosal neu-
                   the somatic manifestations, but without the biochem-  romas, intestinal ganglioneuromas and a Marfanoid
                   ical abnormalities and clinical signs of hypocalcaemia  appearance.
                   and hyperphosphataemia. This is called ‘pseudopseu-
                   doparathyroidism’.                           Management
                   Investigations                               everrecurrenceiscommon.Whenanindexcasehasbeen
                   Low calcium with normal or high phosphate, unlike pri-  identified family members require screening either us-
                   mary hypoparathyroidism normal or high PTH and al-  inggeneticprobes(whenthemutationisknown)orwith
                   kaline phosphatase.                          endocrine testing for glandular dysfunction.

                   Lifelong replacement therapy with 1,25(OH) 2 D 3 or  Diabetes mellitus
                   1(OH)D 3 .
                                                                Diabetes mellitus type 1

                    Multiple endocrine neoplasia                Definition
                    syndrome                                    Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder of carbohy-
                                                                drate, fat and protein metabolism with hyperglycaemia
                                                                resulting in most cases from autoimmune destruction of
                   Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN)           pancreatic β cells.

                   Multiple endocrine neoplasia is a group of inherited syn-  Incidence/prevalence
                   dromes characterised by multiple tumours of endocrine  Rare in infancy but rises to 2 per 1000 at age 16. Approx-
                   glands.                                      imately 10% of all diabetic patients in the UK have Type
                                                                1 diabetes.
                   Multiple endocrine neoplasia type I
                     Inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. The
                     function of the gene products are unknown but it is  Anyage. Most present aged less than 20 years (peaks at
                     suggested that susceptible individuals inherit a gene  3–4 years and around puberty).
                     defect from one parent, tumour growth occurs when
                     the remaining copy of the gene is inactivated by so-  Geography
                     matic mutation.                            Widevariationbetweencountries.HighinNorthernEu-
                     Tumours occur within the parathyroids in 90% (re-  rope, low in Japan.

                     sulting in primary hyperparathyroidism), anterior pi-
                     tuitary (pituitary adenomas see page 421) and pancre-  Aetiology
                     atic islet cells (see page 222). MEN I is defined as the  Environmentally triggered autoimmune destruction of
                     presenceofatleasttwoofthethreemaintumourtypes.  the pancreatic islet β-cells in a genetically susceptible in-
                                                                dividual. There is a concordance of 20–40% in monozy-
                   Multiple endocrine neoplasia type II         gotic twins.
                     Inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern with  Patients have autoantibodies directed against pancre-

                     high penetrance. Mutations occur in the RET proto-  atic islet constituents which may precede the clinical
                     oncogene.                                    diagnosis by many years.
                     Tumours include medullary carcinoma of the thyroid,  Polygenic inheritance with Class II MHC associated

                     phaeochromocytomas (may be bilateral or multiple)  genes. The IDDM1 major susceptibility gene is in-
                     and parathyroid tumours.                     volved in familial clustering.
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