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                   464 Chapter 12: Haematology and clinical immunology

                     Bleeding disorders may result from abnormalities of  immature cells. It occurs in severe infections, tuber-

                     blood vessels platelets and coagulation:   culosis or malignant infiltration of the bone marrow.
                     1 Vascular/platelet disorders are suggested by bruis-  Aleucoerythroblastic anaemia occurs when nucleated
                      ing, purpura and petechiae.               redcells and immature white cells are released into the
                     2 Inherited coagulation disorders are associated with  circulation. This may result from marrow infiltration or
                      haemarthroses(bleedingintothejoints)andmuscle  myelofibrosis.
                      haematomas.                                 Aneutropeniamayoccurinviralinfectionsandsevere
                                                                bacterial infections. It occurs with any cause of pancy-
                   Investigations                               topenia, in association with rheumatoid arthritis (Felty’s
                     Full blood count and blood film to examine the num-  syndrome). There is a recognised racial neutropaenia in

                     ber and morphology of platelets.           Afro-Carribbeans.
                     Platelet aggregation times (spontaneous and stim-

                     ulated) can be used to assess the function of  Lymphocytes
                     platelets.                                 Alymphocytosis is seen in viral infections particularly
                     A full coagulation screen isperformed comprising a  Epstein Barr virus and cytomegalovirus. Chronic in-

                     prothrombin time (PT), thrombin time (TT) and ac-  flammation including tuberculosis and toxoplasma may
                     tivated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), see page
                                                                cause a rise in lymphocytes. Malignant proliferation may
                                                                result from leukaemias and lymphomas.
                     Bleeding time is a measure of platelet function.

                     Ablood pressure cuff is applied and inflated to
                     40 mmHg. An incision is made that is 1-cm long and
                                                                Monocytes are the blood and bone marrow located pre-
                     1-mm deep. The time taken for bleeding to stop is
                                                                cursors of tissue macrophages (including liver Kupffer
                     measured. The bleeding time is prolonged in quanti-
                                                                cells, pulmonary alveolar macrophages and Langerhan
                     tative and qualitative platelet disorders.
                                                                cellsin the skin) and dendritic antigen presenting cells.
                     Factor assays can be used to measure the levels of any

                                                                They are phagocytic and are involved in antigen process-
                     components of the coagulation cascade.
                                                                ing and presentation.
                                                                  Amonocytosis may be seen in viral infections such as
                   Investigations and procedures                glandularfeverandinchronicbacterialinfectionssuchas
                                                                endocarditis, tuberculosis and myelodysplasia. In cycli-
                   Full blood count                             cal neutropenia the monocytes rise as the neutrophil
                                                                count falls.
                   The full blood count is the most commonly performed
                   investigation in medicine. It measures the five types of
                   white blood cell (neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte,  Eosinophils
                   eosinophil and basophil), the red blood cells and the  Eosinophils are phagocytic, with a particular affinity for
                   platelets. The mean cell volume (MCV), packed cell vol-  antigen–antibody complexes and are involved in allergic
                   ume(PCV),meancellhaemoglobincontent(MCH)and  reactions and parasitic infections.
                   the mean cell haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) are  An eosinophilia may arise in parasitic infections, al-
                   also either measured or calculated. Further details about  lergic disorders (hay fever, hypersensitivity), skin disor-
                   cellular morphology can be obtained by examining the  ders (urticaria, eczema), pulmonary disorders (asthma,
                   blood film.                                   allergic aspergillosis, Churg Strauss syndrome) and in
                                                                hypereosinophilic syndrome.
                   Aneutrophilia is seen in bacterial infections, tissue  Basophils
                   necrosis, inflammation, myeloproliferative diseases and  Basophils are thought to be the circulating equivalent
                   corticosteroid therapy. A leukaemoid reaction is when  of tissue mast cells, the granules contain proteoglycans,
                   overproduction of white cells leads to the release of  heparin, histamine. They have surface IgE receptors and
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