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                                                                                     Chapter 12: Clinical 465

                  areincreasedinmyeloproliferativedisordersparticularly  ulation in disseminated intravascular coagulation (see
                  chronic myelogenous leukaemia (see page 482).  page 494) or thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
                                                                (see page 258).
                  Red blood cells
                                                                Coagulation screening tests
                  True polycythaemia may be primary (see page 483) or
                  secondary. Secondary polycythaemia may be due to  The basic coagulation cascade (excluding co factors) is
                    Hypoxia, which may be physiological (neonates, alti-  outlined below; the cascade style of reaction allows a

                    tude), or due to respiratory disease (smoking, COAD)  small stimulus of negative charge contact (such as colla-
                    or cyanotic heart disease.                  gen) or the release of thromboplastin from the tissues to
                    Inappropriate erythropoetin production: Renal cell  create a large amount of fibrin product (see Fig. 12.1).

                    carcinoma, renal cysts or following renal transplant.  Factors II (prothrombin), VII, IX and X require vita-
                    Tumour secretion: Hepatoma, cellular haemangioma.  minKfortheirsynthesis.Thecoagulationscreenismade

                  Severe polycythaemia may result in hyperviscosity of the  up of a combination of tests:
                  blood, which prediposes to thrombosis, haemorrhage     The thrombin time (TT) is initiated by adding
                  and cardiac failure.                           thrombin to a sample and thus assesses deficien-
                                                                 cies/dysfunctions in fibrinogen. Fibrinogen levels and
                  Platelets                                      fibrin degradation (D-dimers) products can also be
                  Thrombocytopenia (reduced platelet count) may be due  measured as a measure of intravascular clot break-
                  to failure of bone marrow production or excess destruc-  down, e.g. disseminated intravascular coagulation or
                  tion of platelets. Bone marrow platelet production may  pulmonary embolism.
                  fail due to aplasia, marrow infiltration or the effects of     Theprothrombin(PT)timeisinitiatedbytheaddition
                  drugs. Peripheral platelet destruction may result from  ofthromboplastinandthusmeasurestheextrinsicand
                  immune mechanisms (see page 495), from excess coag-  final common pathway. It is prolonged in deficiencies

                                                   INTRINSIC PATHWAY
                                                     –ve charge tissue
                                                     XII     XIIa
                                                                           FINAL COMMON PATHWAY
                                                          XI      XIa
                                                              IX      IXa
                                                                        VIII           (II)
                                                                           X       Xa  V        Fibrinogen

                                                               VII     VIIa

                                                              Tissue Throboplastin
                                                   EXTRINSIC PATHWAY
                  Figure 12.1 The coagulation cascade.
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