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                                                    Chapter 12: Myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative disorders 481

                    The Duffy red cell antigen is necessary for invasion  and blood cultures. If there are signs of neurological in-

                    by P. vivax.Many Africans do not express this antigen  volvement a CT scan of the head should be performed
                    and have a relative resistance.             but should not delay treatment.
                    The sickle cell gene reduces mortality in P. falciparum

                    α thalassaemia increases susceptibility to P. vivax re-

                                                                If causative species is not known, or if the infection is
                    ducing subsequent P. falciparum infection.
                                                                mixed, initial treatment should be as for P. falciparum.
                    β thalassaemia reduces parasite multiplication due to

                                                                   P. falciparum is treated by oral quinine, mefloquine,
                    the persistence of fetal haemoglobin which is resistant
                                                                  Malarone (proguanil and atovaquone), or Riamet
                    to digestion by malaria.
                                                                  (artemether with lumefantrine). If the patient is un-
                  Symptoms are associated with the asexual stages. In the
                                                                  able to swallow, is vomiting or has impaired con-
                  gametocyte stage there is genetic recombination causing
                                                                  sciousness intravenous quinine is used. Falciparum
                  antigenic variation.
                                                                  malaria can progess rapidly in unprotected individu-
                                                                  als. Treatment should be considered in patients with
                  Clinical features
                                                                  features of severe malaria even if the initial blood
                  Most patients have a history of recent travel to an en-
                                                                  tests are negative. Other supportive treatments in-
                                                                  clude monitoring for, and correction of hypogly-
                  fatigue, malaise, spiking fever and rigors, arthralgia and
                                                                  caemia, blood transfusion for severe anaemia. In se-
                  myalgia. The classical description of paroxysmal chills
                                                                  vere cases intensive care may be required.
                  and shivering followed by a spike of high temperature
                                                                   Benign malaria (P. vivax P.ovale or P. malariae)is
                  is only seen in the minority of patients. Other symp-
                                                                  treated with chloroquine although some P. vivax is
                  toms include anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and
                                                                  developing resistance. P. malariae and ovale require
                  headache. Examination may reveal tachycardia, pyrexia,
                                                                  subsequent treatment with primaquine to eradicate
                  hypotension, pallor and in chronic cases splenomegaly.
                                                                  latent parasites in the liver (after exclusion of G6PD
                  There should be a high index of suspicion for malaria in
                  any patient presenting with symptoms following travel
                                                                   Chemoprophylaxis is dependent on the area that is
                  to endemic areas.
                                                                  to be visited and specialist advice should be sought.
                                                                  In general where there is no chloroquine resistance
                  P. falciparum is potentially life threatening due to cere-
                                                                  sistance a combination of chloroquine and proguanil
                  bral malaria (progressive headache, neck stiffness, con-
                                                                  may be used. Alternative regimes include mefloquine,
                  vulsions and coma), severe anaemia (red cell lysis and re-
                                                                  Maloprim (dapsone and pyrimethamine) or doxycy-
                  duced erythropoesis), hypoglycaemia, hepatic and renal
                                                                  cline. Prophylaxis should begin prior to entering an
                  failure. It may also lead to severe intravascular haemol-
                                                                  endemic area (in order to detect establish tolerance)
                  ysis causing dark brown/black urine (blackwater fever)
                                                                  and should continue for 4 weeks after leaving the en-
                  particularly after treatment with quinine.
                                                                  demic areas. Mosquito repellent nets and sprays, and
                                                                  protective clothing should also be used.
                  Diagnosis is by identification of parasites on thick and
                  thin blood films. Although the first specimen is positive
                  in 95% of cases at least three negative samples are re-  Myelodysplastic and
                  quired to exclude the diagnosis. The thick film is more  myeloproliferative disorders
                  sensitive for diagnosis and the thin film is used to dif-
                  ferentiate the parasites and quantify the percentage of  Myelodysplastic syndromes
                  parasite infected cells. Other diagnostic tests include
                  ELISA antigen detection and polymerase chain reaction  Definition
                  (PCR) tests. Other investigations should include a full  Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is a pre-malignant
                  blood count, U&E, liver function tests, clotting, urine  condition in which there are abnormal stem cells
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