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                   478 Chapter 12: Haematology and clinical immunology

                     oxidant stress such as with infections or drugs,  Aetiology
                     e.g. primaquine, sulphonamides, nitrofurantoin,  Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia is subdivided accord-
                     ciprofloxacin, dapsone and naphthalene (mothballs).  ing to the temperature at which the antibodies bind to
                   Favism is acute haemolysis following ingestion of fava  the red cells:
                   (broad) beans.                                   Warm autoimmune haemolytic anaemia: Antibodies
                                                                  bind best at 37 C
                                                                  Cold autoimmune haemolytic anaemia: Antibodies

                                                                  bind at lower temperatures, this type is further subdi-
                   Afteranoxidant shock the haemoglobin levels may fall
                                                                  vided into cold haemagglutinin disease (CHAD) and
                   dramatically with death following unless transfused.
                                                                  paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuria.
                   Investigations                               Pathophysiology
                   During an attack the blood film may show irregularly  IgMorIgG antibodies are produced, which bind to red
                   contracted cells, bite cells (indented membrane), blister  cells.
                   cells (cells in whichhaemoglobin appears detached from     IgM (and IgG which fully activates complement)
                   the cell membrane), Heinz bodies and increased reticu-  cause lysis of cells within the vessel (intravascular
                   locytes.BetweenattackstheG6PDlevelcanbemeasured.  haemolysis).
                                                                  IgGwhich only partially activate complement cause

                                                                  extravascular haemolysis with opsonised red cells
                                                                  either completely phagocytosed in the spleen or par-
                   Avoid causative drugs and foods, treat infections and
                                                                  tially phagocytosed leading to the formation of sphe-
                   transfuse as required.
                                                                  The antibody coated red cells characteristic of

                                                                  autoimmune haemolytic anaemias are detected
                   Acquired haemolytic anaemia                    by the direct antiglobulin (Coomb’s) test (see
                                                                  Fig. 12.8).
                   Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
                   Definition                                    Clinical features
                   Acquired disorders resulting in haemolysis due to red  The clinical features, specific investigations and manage-
                   cell autoantibodies.                         ment are summarised in Table 12.6.

                                                     IgM anti human globulin

                               Red cells coated in antibodies                  Agglutination (visible)

                   Figure 12.8 The direct antiglobulin test.
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