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                                                             Chapter 12: Haemoglobin disorders and anaemia 475

                  Complications                                 syndrome or cerebral infarction require exchange blood
                  Patients have a susceptibility to infections including  transfusionstoremovesicklecells.Transfusionsmayalso
                  streptococcal infections and osteomyelitis often due  be indicated in patients with regular severe crises and
                  to salmonella. Avascular necrosis particularly of the  preoperatively.
                  femoral head may occur. Patients may develop renal fail-
                  ureduetorecurrentrenaldamageandpapillarynecrosis.  Prognosis
                  Retinal detachment and proliferative retinopathy may  Thereismarkedvariationintheseverityofthecondition,
                  result in blindness. See also complications of haemolytic  some patients have a relatively normal life span with few
                  anaemia (page 473).                           complications. In the most severe cases patients die from
                                                                severe infarctions or sequestration.
                    Full blood count shows anaemia. Blood film shows a  α-Thalassaemia

                    high reticulocyte count and sickle shaped red blood
                    cells.                                      Definition
                    Sickle screening tests use a reducing solution, which
                                                                Inherited haemoglobinopathy with defective synthesis
                    causes HbS to precipitate. They are used as a first line  of the α-globulin genes. It is mainly found in the Far
                    test and for screening preoperatively.      East, Middle East and Africa.

                    sickle cell trait and sickle cell disease (see Fig. 12.5).  Aetiology
                    X-ray of the tubular bones may show destruction and
                                                                α-Thalassaemia is caused by gene deletions. There are
                    medullary sclerosis together with periosteal bone for-  four copies of the α gene, two on each chromosome 16.
                    mation.                                     Deletion may be of one or both α chain genes on each
                                                                of the chromosomes.

                                                                Clinical features
                  Treatment is largely symptomatic with prophylactic an-
                                                                   Deletion of all four copies of the α gene (–/–) prevents
                                                                  production of any viable haemoglobin. This disorder
                  agement of a painful crisis includes oxygenation, ade-
                                                                  is also termed haemoglobin Bart’s (γ 4 )hydrops syn-
                  quate hydration and analgesia. Any associated bacterial
                                                                  drome and results in a stillbirth or neonatal death.
                  infection should be treated with antibiotics. Acute se-
                                                                   Deletion of three genes (–/α-) causes HbH disease (a
                  questration requires blood transfusion, as patients be-
                                                                  moderate anaemia with splenomegaly and the pro-
                                                                  duction of HbH (β 4 )fromthe excess β chains). Treat-
                                                                  ment is not usually required.
                                                                   Deletion of one (-α/αα)ortwo genes (-α/-α or –/αα)
                                Origin  HbA 2  HbS  HbF  HbA      causes α-thalassaemia trait in which there are micro-
                                                                  cytic red blood cells with or without a mild anaemia.
                                                                Full blood count shows microcytosis with or without
                     Sickle Trait                               anaemia. The diagnosis may be confirmed by quantita-
                                                                tive globin chain synthesis.

                    Sickle Disease                              β-Thalassaemia
                  Figure 12.5 Haemoglobin electrophoresis in sickle cell anae-  Inherited haemoglobinopathy with defective synthesis
                  mia.                                          of the β-globulin chain.
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