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                   524 Chapter 15: Overdose, poisoning and addiction

                   sweating, tachycardia and loss of appetite. Within half an  2 Agitation and hypertension often respond to di-
                   hour of the last dose of a binge, there is a ‘crash’ when the  azepam. Haloperidol and phenothiazines should be
                   user feels intense cravings, depression and anxiety. After  avoided, as they increase the risk of seizures.
                   a further 1–4 hours, they usually sleep for hours to days,  3 Persisting hypertension should be treated with intra-
                   intermittently waking up with hunger (‘the munchies’).  venous glyceryl trinitrate (GTN), with calcium an-
                   After a few days, the user becomes low in mood, with  tagonists as second line therapy. β-blockers should
                   lack of motivation, impairment of memory and inter-  be avoided (may cause paradoxical hypertension and
                   mittent anxiety, even suicidal ideation. Long-term users  coronary vasoconstriction due to unopposed alpha
                   may become persistently restless, with anorexia, weight  effects).
                   loss and insomnia.                           4 Aspirin, sublingual GTN and diazepam should be
                     A history should be taken of recent and previous co-  giventoall patients who have chest pain. If pain con-
                   caine use, including methods of administration, use of  tinues, intravenous GTN should be commenced and
                   other drugs, alcohol intake, previous rehabilitation and  if despite this, the ECG shows an acute MI, throm-
                   any problems associated with drug use. A close social  bolytic therapy as for a conventional MI should be
                   history should be taken, as well as a medical history and  given, unless there are any contraindications.
                   examination.                                 5 Cardiac arrhythmias require specialist advice, for ex-
                                                                  ample from the National Poisons Information Service
                   Complications                                  (NPIS).
                     Physical: Snorting cocaine repeatedly causes damage  6 Cocaine abusers should be referred to a drug reha-

                     to the nasal mucous membranes with septal perfora-  bilitation counsellor or centre. There are no serious
                     tion, cribiform plate damage and CSF rhinitis. Smok-  physical effects from withdrawal so sedatives or a re-
                     ing can cause granulomas and pulmonary oedema.  placement drug are not needed. Propanolol may help
                     Injecting carries risks of abscesses, infective endo-  anxiety (but may exacerbate cocaine-induced hyper-
                     carditis, HIV and hepatitis infection. Other medical  tension or myocardial ischaemia) and antidepressants
                     complications include hypertension, myocardial in-  may be indicated.
                     farction (MI) due to coronary artery spasm, arrhyth-
                     mias, seizures, stroke and cardiorespiratory arrest.
                                                                Amphetamine abuse
                     Neuropsychiatric: Anxiety, paranoia, depression and

                     hallucinations.                            Definition
                     Social: The most common reason for a cocaine ad-  Amphetamines were originally widely used for medical

                     dict to present for treatment of dependency is run-  reasons such as appetite suppressants and for insom-
                     ning out of money, as a cocaine or crack binge can  nia, but are now recreationally used. Medical use of am-
                     cost hundreds to thousands of pounds. Other prob-  phetamine (and derivatives) is now limited to selected
                     lems include loss of job and criminal activities such as  cases of narcolepsy and attention deficit hyperactivity
                     stealing, prostitution and drug dealing.   disorder.
                                                                  There are several derivatives of amphetamine, such
                   Investigations                               as methamphetamine, which can be smoked, and there-
                   These depend on the presentation of the individual. Co-  fore became popular for their increased speed of on-
                   caine use can be tested for using a urine screen. Investi-  set and intense effect. Amphetamines can be taken
                   gations may be needed for possible complications such  orally, intranasally, smoked or injected. Street names for
                   as MI, arrhythmias, stroke and infections.   amphetamine include ‘speed, whizz, sulphate’, and for
                                                                methamphetamine ‘meth, ice’.
                   Cocaine intoxication: Initial management includes en-  Incidence/prevalence
                   suring a clear airway and ventilation if needed.  Amphetamineandderivatives(includingecstasy)arethe
                   1 Seizures are treated with diazepam or lorazepam.  second most common class of illegal drug used after
                     Phenytoin may be needed.                   cannabis.
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