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                                                                             Chapter 2: Cardiac arrhythmias 49

                  Sinus tachycardia                             rate may be regular, bradycardic, tachycardic or variable
                                                                with pauses. Carotid sinus massage typically leads to a
                                                                sudden and sometimes prolonged sinus pause. It should
                  Sinus rate above 100 bpm.
                                                                therefore only be attempted where there is monitoring
                                                                and resuscitation equipment.
                  Sinustachycardia is a physiological response to main-
                  tain tissue perfusion and oxygenation. Causes include  Complications
                  exercise, fever, anaemia, hypovolaemia, hypoxia, heart  The most important complication is cardiac syncope, as
                  failure, hyperthyroidism, pulmonary embolism, drugs  in other forms of bradycardia. It may develop associated
                  and emotion.                                  AVnodalblockandIncreasedriskofthromboembolism.

                  Clinical features
                  Palpitations with an associated rapid, regular pulse rate.
                                                                The diagnosis is usually made with a 24-hour ECG.
                  Features of any underlying cause often predominate.
                                                                Twelve-lead ECG may show evidence of underlying is-
                                                                chaemia or previous myocardial infarction.
                  The ECG confirms sinus rhythm and demonstrates the
                  tachycardia. Appropriate investigations of the underly-  Management
                  ing cause may be required.                    Permanent pacing is required for symptomatic patients.
                                                                In addition anti-arrhythmic drugs may be required to
                                                                to reduce the risk of thromboembolism.
                  Treatment is aimed at the underlying cause. β-blockers
                  can slow the rate, but this is rarely of clinical benefit.
                                                                Atrial arrhythmias
                  Sinus node disease
                                                                Atrial ectopic beats
                  Sinusnode disease or sick sinus syndrome is a tachy-  Definition
                  cardia/bradycardia resulting from damage to the sinus  Atrial ectopic beats include extrasystoles and premature
                  node.                                         beats.

                  Aetiology/pathophysiology                     Aetiology
                  Sinusnode disease is relatively common in the elderly  Atrial ectopics are common in normal individuals. All
                  dueto ischaemia, infarction or degeneration of the sinus  cardiac cells have intrinsic pacemaker ability. They grad-
                  node. The condition is characterised by prolonged in-  ually depolarise until a threshold is reached at which
                  tervals between consecutive P waves (sinus arrest) and  point rapid depolarisation occurs and a cardiac action
                  periods of sinus bradycardia. Pauses in the sinus rhythm  potential is fired. This is most rapid in the sinoatrial
                  may allow tachycardias (typically atrial fibrillation) from  node, the normal pacemaker of the heart. If in a single
                  other foci to emerge. This combination of fast and slow  or group of cells the gradual depolarisation is more rapid
                  supraventricular rhythms is known as tachy-brady syn-  than usual, or if the voltage threshold for rapid depolar-
                  drome.                                        isation is reduced they may stimulate a cardiac depolari-
                                                                sation resulting in an ectopic beat. This process is termed
                  Clinical features                             enhanced automaticity. Common causes are electrolyte
                  Tachycardiamaycausepalpitations,andlongpausesmay  abnormalities, alcohol or nicotine excess, anaemia, med-
                  cause dizziness and syncope. On examination the pulse  ications such as β-agonists, and hypoxaemia.
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