Page 74 - Medicine and Surgery
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                   70 Chapter 2: Cardiovascular system

                     Infamilieswithahistoryofsuddencardiacdeathfrom  Echocardiographyshowsasmallleftventricularcavity

                     HOCM, there is an association with the angiotensin  with generalised or asymmetrical hypertrophy of the
                     converting enzyme (ACE) genotype DD.         septum. Mitral valve movement is also characteristic.
                                                                  Twenty-five per cent of patients have outflow tract
                   Pathophysiology                                obstruction.
                   There is marked hypertrophy of one or both ventricles     MRI scanning is of particular value if echocardiog-
                   particularly affecting the ventricular septum. This may  raphy cannot obtain adequate views particularly in
                   result in obstruction to the outflow of the left ventricle,  apical hypertrophy.
                   which is made worse on contraction of the ventricle. The     24-hour ECG monitoring is used to detect episodes of
                   muscle fibres relax poorly and as a result there is poor  ventricular tachycardia.
                   left ventricular filling and contraction, with disordered     Exercise testing is helpful for risk assessment, i.e. loss
                   mitral valve movement.                         of rise in blood pressure or onset of arrhythmia during
                   Clinical features
                   Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy often presents similarly  Management
                   to aortic stenosis with dyspnoea, angina, syncope, or     β-blockade is the mainstay of treatment as this lowers
                   sudden death. Signs of heart failure are common but  the pressures within the left ventricle.
                   occur at a late stage. Initially the pulse is jerky with a     Arrhythmias: β-blockers and amiodarone are used to
                   rapid outflow due to hypertrophy, in the late stages ob-  prevent ventricular arrhythmias and there is increas-
                   struction results in a slow rising pulse. The JVP shows  ing use of automatic implantable cardiac defibrillators
                   an increase in the size of the ‘a’ wave (atrial contraction).  (AICD). Atrial fibrillation is preferably treated with
                   Palpationrevealsaprominentthrustingapex,whichmay  DC synchronised cardioversion. Refractory atrial fib-
                   be double (palpable atrial contraction). There may be a  rillation is treated with digoxin.
                   systolic murmur (and thrill) due to ventricular outflow     Surgical treatment: Occasionally resection of the hy-
                   obstruction maximal at the left sternal edge. This may  pertrophied septal wall (myotomy/myectomy) is in-
                   be varied by dynamic maneouvres or drugs that can al-  dicated with, where necessary, a mitral valve replace-
                   ter the degree of functional obstruction. A fourth heart  ment. Surgical intervention is usually reserved for
                   sound is often heard caused by ventricular filling due to  severely symptomatic patients.
                   atrial contraction.                              Septal ablation by selective alcohol injection into a
                                                                  sizeable septal branch of the left anterior decending
                   Complications                                  artery has been shown to achieve similar results to
                   Thrombosis and consequent systemic embolisation may  surgery.
                   occur requiring anticoagulation. Prophylaxis is required     If patients have angina nitrates should be avoided, and
                   againstinfectiveendocarditis.ItisassociatedwithWolff–  diuretics should only be used with care as these in-
                   Parkinson–White Syndrome. Ventricular arrhythmias  crease the degree of functional obstruction.
                   are common and may lead to sudden cardiac death.
                   Macroscopy/microscopy                        Factors suggesting a worse prognosis include young age
                   Hypertrophy is asymmetrically distributed. The increase  orsyncopeatpresentationandafamilyhistoryofsudden
                   in thickness occurs particularly of the interventricu-  death due to HOCM.
                   lar septum. Disorganised branching of abnormal, short,
                   thick muscle fibres, in which there are large nuclei.
                                                                Restrictive cardiomyopathy
                   Investigations                               Definition
                     ECG shows ST, and T wave changes with evidence of  Restrictive or infiltrative cardiomyopathy is a rare disor-

                     hypertrophy (anterior Q wave, T wave inversion and  der of cardiac muscle resulting in restricted ventricular
                     increased QRS voltage).                    filling.
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