Page 70 - Medicine and Surgery
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                   66 Chapter 2: Cardiovascular system

                   friction rub is pathognomonic but may be transient, best  Aetiology
                   heard at the left sternal edge accentuated by leaning for-  Haemopericardium, tuberculous pericarditis and acute
                   ward and held expiration.                    pericarditis may result in constrictive pericarditis. In
                                                                many cases there is no identifiable cause.
                   Pericarditis is often complicated by pericardial effusion  Pathophysiology
                   and occasionally tamponade. Where there is an associ-  Chronicinflammation,orhealingafteracutepericarditis
                   atedmyocarditis,featuresofheartfailuremaybepresent.  may cause the pericardium to become thick, fibrous and
                                                                calcified. This surrounds and constricts the ventricles
                                                                such that the heart cannot fill properly, hence causing a
                                                                reductionincardiac output.
                   An acute inflammatory reaction with both pericardial
                   surfaces coated in a fibrin-rich exudate.
                                                                Clinical features
                                                                    Raised jugular venous pressure, ascites, hepatomegaly,
                     ECG usually shows widespread ST elevation, concave

                                                                  ankle and sacral oedema.
                     upwards (as opposed to the convex upward configu-
                                                                    The JVP has a steep y descent (Friedreich’s sign). Dur-
                     ration of a myocardial infarction).
                                                                  ing inspiration there is an increase in pressure and
                     Other investigations are required to help identify an

                                                                  hence neck vein distension (Kussmaul’s sign).
                     underlying cause, e.g. FBC (infection), U&Es (renal
                                                                    Pulsus paradoxus may occur, this is a greater than nor-
                     failure), ESR and cardiac enzymes (to exclude my-
                     ocardial infarction).
                                                                  to the transient reduction in left ventricular filling,
                     Chest X-ray may suggest a pericaridal effusion (glob-

                                                                  which occurs as a result of reduction in pulmonary
                     ular looking heart with increased size of the cardiac
                                                                  venous return to the left atrium during inspiration.
                                                                    There is initially sinus tachycardia and atrial fibrilla-
                     Other investigations may be indicated, including

                                                                  tion may develop. Auscultation reveals soft S1 and S2
                     echocardiogram, viral titres and blood cultures.
                                                                  with a loud diastolic (early third) heart sound or peri-
                     Pericardial aspiration may be used to obtain fluid for

                                                                  cardial knock due to rapid but abbreviated ventricular
                     diagnosis, but is only considered where there is either
                     a significant fluid collection or an undetermined aeti-
                                                                  Chest X-ray is frequently normal but may show a rel-

                                                                  atively small heart. There may be a shell of calcified
                   Analgesia and anti-inflammatory treatment with aspirin
                                                                  pericardium particularly on the lateral film.
                   or NSAIDs is usually effective. A small percentage of     ECG shows low QRS voltages with flat or inverted T
                   patients may have a later relapse when steroids may be
                   required. Drainage is necessary for cardiac tamponade.     Echocardiogram can sometimes show thickening of
                                                                  the pericardium and an abnormal ventricular filling
                   Prognosis                                      pattern. However, it may be normal even in the pres-
                   Most cases of acute pericarditis, particularly of viral ori-  ence of the disease.
                   gin, run a benign and self-limiting course.      MRI is the investigation of choice to define the loca-
                                                                  tion of pericardial thickening and also may evaluate
                                                                  ventricular and valvular function.
                   Constrictive pericarditis
                   Definition                                    Management
                   Acondition in which reduced elasticity of the peri-  Medical intervention is of little value except for digoxin
                   cardium results in poor cardiac output.      to control atrial fibrillation. The treatment of choice is
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