Page 23 - December 2020
P. 23
and, as a result, should start to see an increase in
productivity and engagement levels across the
There is a lot of help and support available out there,
so please reach out to those around you, if there is I worked in HR in the corporate world for fifteen
anything you need—don’t bury your heads in the years, for companies such as GSK, Siemens and
sand! McLaren, where I helped people out of hostile
working environments by managing disputes and
HOW LONG DO YOU THINK IT WILLTAKE, coaching them on how to build stronger, more
REALISTICALLY, FOR YOU TO EARN SIMILAR productive, and happier teams. Working in the
LEVELS TO WHATYOU WERE ATYOUR PREVIOUS corporate world taught me my valuable HR
EMPLOYMENT? knowledge.
Within two years of being self-employed, I predict Still, the experience of always having to deal with
I’ll be earning nearly double what I was at my politics and managing some complicated and
corporate job. conflicting relationships with other HR professionals
left me questioning my belief in my own abilities,
ANY DREAMS OR AMBITIONS FOR YOUR even going so far as to damage my self-confidence.
BUSINESS/TURNOVER? That was when I decided I needed a career break, so I
In five years, my ambitions for my business’s annual went travelling on my own to South America for
turnover is £500k with a team of at least five staff, nine months.
and in ten years, I’d like for annual turnover to be When I got back, having met so many interesting
around £2 million with at least two offices in the UK. and inspiring people and having visited so many
amazing places, my confidence and self-belief had
WHAT’S YOUR STORY,AND WHAT IS ITTHAT been transformed, but I also realised that I had the
DRIVES YOU TO ACHIEVE MORE? HR experience, confidence and determination to set
For the past twenty years, I’ve been helping people up my own HR consultancy business.
work together more effectively; my passion for this
started nearly thirty years ago when my parents IS THERE ANYTHING YOU’D WANTTO BE
divorced. At the age of thirteen, is when I learned REMEMBERED FOR IN YOUR PREVIOUS ROLE
conflict management, mostly for my parents but also THATYOU’RE TAKING FORWARD INTO YOUR HR
for other relationships in my family. My upbringing BUSINESS?
forced me to reckon with people’s behaviour and I am motivated and want to help as many SMEs as I
motives early on, and as a result, I decided to do my possibly can, especially in the current climate.
degree in psychology. A fascination with human Ultimately, I want to be remembered for my heart-
behaviour and my passion for helping people to form centred business and leave a legacy for generations to
stronger relationships led me to embark on my come.
career in HR.
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