Page 16 - Radio_Ink
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         As we were going to print with this issue, WQDR/Raleigh Program Director Lisa McKay passed away at the age of 54, after a short
         battle with cancer. Lisa has been on this list, consistently near the top, for many years. Colleagues and friends share their thoughts
         about Lisa, what she meant to the industry, and her sudden passing on January 14, 2018.

         “She was one of the most passionate and devoted                        McKay was seated nearby and snapped a picture
         associates I have ever had. She leaves a legacy                        of me and posted it saying, ‘I just love the passion
         and example that will be difficult to follow.”                          the KRTY crew have for the music.’ I didn’t know
         Don Curtis, CEO                                                        her very well, wasn’t even sure she knew who I
         Curtis Media Group                                                     was, but clearly she did, and she took the time
                                                                                to recognize something good in another radio
         “Lisa had a tremendous and positive impact on                          station. She understood the sense of community
         so many people’s lives and careers, and will be                        CRS is trying to promote and did her part to make
         greatly missed by all of us.”                                          it a reality.”
         Trip Savery, President/COO                                             Julie Stevens, KRTY-FM/San Jose
         Curtis Media Group                                                     Empire Broadcasting

         Entercom Market Manager Phil Zachary hired Lisa                        “I always had a soft spot for Lisa because I
         McKay at Curtis Media Group when he worked                             consulted WQDR before she arrived there. I was
         for Curtis. “Lisa was fiercely competitive, yet                         always impressed with the great job she did with
         her kindness was without limit. She took special                       the station. Lisa was always very active on the
         pleasure in grooming the next generation of air                        ACM Radio committee and I knew that I could call
         talent and never met a human — or an animal —                          on her to help.”
         she wouldn’t help. A remarkable woman and a   Lisa McKay with an adoptable pup at WQDR’s   Charlie Cook, VP Country, Cumulus Media
         devastating loss to all who knew her.”  “12 Strays of Christmas” event  Operations Manager,
         “We have unexpectedly lost one of the finest
         broadcasters I have known during my entire                             “Lisa was a successful, bright, talented, and
         career in Lisa McKay. She was a consummate                             creative programmer and broadcaster. She had
         winner in our business and the best friend you                         passion for radio and for life. Her passing is a great
         could hope to have as a person. Lisa will truly be                     loss to our country community and our format.”
         missed by all that knew her! I was blessed and                         Shelly Easton, WXTU-FM/Philadelphia
         honored to have her as a friend and colleague all                      Entercom
         these years.”
         Bill Mayne, Executive Director                                         “It seems we don’t often lose people we’ve worked
         Country Radio Seminar                                                  with for a long time, but when we do it’s always
                                                                                totally devastating. Especially when they’ve left
         “I am just devastated to learn of Lisa’s sudden                        us way too soon. That just happened to me a few
         passing, only days after it was reported she was   With country artist Dierks Bentley  weeks ago when my on-air partner of 23 years,
         taking a leave for health reasons. I admired her                       Harvey J. Steele, died. You’re numb, you’re in
         so much, not only as a tremendous programmer   “Lisa McKay embodies everything in a radio  shock. You don’t know how you’re going back
         but as a lovely person. I had only been at WQMX   programmer and talent. She was innovative,   on the air, or how you’ll get through delivering
         a short while and met her on an industry trip.   creative, and truly loved her radio station and her   the news to your listeners. Best advice I got was
         There were very few women PDs in Country, and   people, and the love poured back to her from the   from our GM, who said, ‘Be yourself, be honest.
       2 016  I was so impressed by her knowledge and talent,   legion of WQDR fans she had in Raleigh-Durham.   When you feel emotional, let it flow.’ That’s real.
                                            Lisa also was a wonderful role model for women
       2 9,  and I connected with her then and followed her   in broadcasting and was always willing to help   And real tough. Again, very sorry to hear of Lisa’s
                                                                                passing. Lisa will always be a part of WQDR.”
         continued success. We were both trying to stay
       Januar y  awake for a late-night showcase one night. She   formidable competitor, loved country music, and   Gary Shores
                                            other women coming up in the ranks. She was a
         asked me if I wanted to split a five-hour energy
                                            was a wonderful, caring person that everyone
         drink — hoping it would keep us up for just two
         and a half hours! Our industry lost an incredible   loved. Country radio lost a great one in Lisa, but   “Lisa was a beautiful person, in every sense of
       OM  talent, and our country music family will miss her   we will never forget her.”  the word. While I always had tremendous respect
       C  so much. Things like this put life in perspective.   Tim Roberts, VP Music Programming/Operations   for her professionally, I think I had even more
       •  How precious it is — and that we have no time   Entercom Detroit      fondness for her personally — I always enjoyed
       N  to waste. Deepest sympathy to her family and   “One year at the New Faces show at CRS, the KRTY   any opportunity to spend some time talking with
       DIOI  friends and to all of us who will mourn her loss.”  general manager, sales manager, and myself were   her. Our industry has lost a great programmer, but
                                                                                more importantly, the world lost a great person
         Sue Wilson, Program Director
       A  WQMX-FM/Akron, OH                 particularly overzealous with Brett Eldredge’s   You’ll be missed, Lisa.”
       R                                    performance of ‘One Mississippi.’ So much so that   Mark McKay, WGH-FM/Norfolk, VA
                                            I think I stood on a chair to do my applauding. Lisa
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