Page 17 - Radio_Ink
P. 17

                                                                                                       DIGI T A L
                                                                                                     AD VE RTI S I N G



                  About a decade ago,                                      WHTZ/New York. And Shepherd
                  when AutoTune was                                        says that thanks to devices like
                  starting to become                                       Alexa, radio usage is actually
            popular, I was interviewing a                                  increasing. "We're bringing it
            musician about the trend. To me,                               back into the home because
            the technique seemed decep-                                    we're making it very easy for
            tive, like a way to legitimize                                 customers to get to this con-
            untalented musicians. He told                                  tent," Shepherd says. "With
            me something I wasn't expect-                                  voice [commands], we make it
            ing to hear: he pointed out that   Amazon's    Walter Sabo     very easy for people to get to
            throughout the history of music,   Ben Shepherd                the content they want to con-
            instruments and techniques                                     sume, whatever that may be."
            have drawn criticism simply because they are new. He   We've spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to get
            asked, "Would you feel the same way about hearing an elec-  onto new platforms, and now this platform is trying to figure
            tric guitar for the first time? It's how you use it that defines   out how to get to us. The goal of smart speaker devices is
            it as music."                               to make it natural for listeners to find our content. We just
              That idea stuck with me. In our history as broadcasters,   need to produce it.
            we've seen many new devices emerge in the tech world,   "We do support podcasts and programs today," Shepherd
            Some have been embraced, others dismissed. Some person-  points out. "Customers can ask for specific personalities or
            alities have embraced the digital components of radio and   podcasts that are published." So it's not just your station;
            done well, but not everyone has found the level of success   Shepherd says Alexa can search for all the content you
            they desire.                                publish on the Internet. "We've seen local radio stations
               "Each medium creates its own stars," says Walter Sabo,   talk about Alexa on their radio shows and help customers
            host of  Sterling on Sunday on Westwood One. "You can   understand how to get to their content," he says. "We've
            name maybe four exceptions who were able to transfer   also recently launched a feature called ‘music alarms' that
            their actual stardom to one medium from another. That's it.   allows customers to set an alarm to a piece of content. We've
            I don't think any evolving can be done. I think Alexa is sitting   seen radio stations tell customers, ‘Set my station as your
            in people's houses with 18-, 19-, and 20-year-olds, and just   morning alarm,' and then every morning when the customer
            like a microwave, that's all they’ve known. They will know   wakes up, they're listening to that radio station immediately.”
            what to do with it."                          If radio has a digital distribution problem, these devices
              The digital goals and milestones many broadcasters face   are designed to bridge that gap. Sabo has seen this progres-
            (often with hesitation) are best achieved with a person or   sion before. "There was a revolution from AM to FM, then
            team focused specifically on social media and digital imple-  cassettes started showed up in the car, CDs," he says. "The
            mentation. Naturally, Walter is right: successful broadcast-  answer is always the same: you'd better make a good show.
            ers have a certain set of skills, and they often find fame in   People don't listen to a speaker; they don't go into a movie
            one medium but mediocre results in another.   theater and look at a blank wall. They watch a show. They
              Maybe we're looking at digital the wrong way.   listen to a show. The key to all of it is to make a good show."
              Let's say your talent only had to focus on what they do   That should be your talents' focus. Tech companies are
            best: the content itself. The technical fears that go with trying   smart and figured out that radio holds a lot of great content,
            to figure out how to format content for many mediums are   and there just needed to be an easier way of finding it. If
            starting to disappear, thanks to "smart speaker" devices like   your station offers it, the job of these devices is to find it. You   RYAN
            Amazon's Echo with Alexa or Google Home. Listeners' comfort   don't need to know how to program long strings of coding.   WRECKER
            with these easy-to-use devices could bring a big boost in   You just need to concentrate on creating great content.  ReachRyanWreckeron
            digital stats that managers and corporate can both embrace.  That should relieve some of your stress.      Twitter@RyanWrecker
              Ben Shepherd is global head of Alexa Music. Amazon's                                  andatryanwrecker@
            Echo device is a voice-controlled speaker that listens for   Ryan hosts Overnight America on KMOX in St. Louis.
            commands. For example, if you say, "Alexa, play Z100,"   Follow on Twitter @RyanWrecker or e-mail ryan-
            the device connects to and plays iHeartRadio's stream of

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