Page 29 - Radio_Ink
P. 29

Local Radio Networks'
                                                                                                      Angola, Indiana

            localism. If you give that up, you are out of                         about attention to detail, affiliate relations,
            the game.                                                             localization, and true customer service that
                                                                                  we believe is second to none. The feeling we
            Radio Ink: You owned eight stations,                                  getfromtheaffiliatesisthatweareonthe
            then decided you wanted to launch                                     same page. We understand what it's like to be
            another company. When and why did                                     on that side of the fence.
            you do that?
              Swick: As a small-market operator, we                               Radio Ink: How big do you want to get?
            used the networks a lot. And as they have                               Swick: Well, there are 15,000-plus radio
            been rolled up by the Wall Street conglomer-                          stations — we don't know where it's going to
            ates, we see complacency and a lack of atten-                         go. I know there are a tremendous number of
            tion to detail. It was my breaking point. There                       affiliates in the pipeline waiting for contrac-
            were many phone calls with all the highest-  LRN Technology Engineer Chris Peters, CEO   tual agreements to lapse to get out of those
            level executives, and it was all falling on deaf   Steve Swick, and CIO William Mashione  contracts. As soon as those expire, there is a
            ears. I finally had enough. I said, "You guys                          tremendous amount in the pipeline ready to
            better start listening to what we're saying   As long as you have a stream connection  come to LRN.
            because we are paying your bills."   to us that is the highest quality, we have our
              The positive thing that came out of it — yes,   own VPN-based technology that we use as   Radio Ink: Most people who own eight
            we are small-market radio, but also, with the   our delivery system and we can have you   radio stations and get frustrated with
            depth of my team, we have some of the most   back on air. Our competitors did not have that   a network are not going to go out and
            brilliant radio and software engineers. We said   capability.         start their own. What was it about you
            we'd had enough and we embarked on devel-                             that not only made you say it, but do it?
            oping our own proprietary software technol-  Radio Ink: You were five years in devel-  Swick: There is no question I am
            ogy and launched Local Radio Networks.  opment and now two years in the mar-  extremely competitive. You don't settle for
                                               ket. How did everything start off?  something that's not up to par. You push hard
            Radio Ink: How difficult was it to get   Swick: We have a mix of folks that came   and work hard to produce the best possible
            started, to get the people, the equip-  to us, all small- and medium-market station   product for the listener. I was not settling for
            ment and technology?               owners.                            what the industry had to offer. But where else
              Swick: In 2012 we embarked on five years                             are you going to go? It's almost like you don't
            of software development technology, all inter-  Radio Ink: Getting customers and mak-  have a choice, you are stuck with them. Well,
            nally. Everything has been written by radio   ing the sales calls — is that coming   that wasn't a good answer for me.
            broadcast engineers for radio broadcasters.   easy? Do you find more people looking   When you turn million-dollar sticks over
            When we talk about the coding and software   for the product than you expected?  to a provider, you are turning over your baby,
            that was written for LRN, we know and under-  Swick: They have been seeking us. We just   and you still have all the risks and responsibil-
            stand every facet of the end use of a radio   came back from Austin, and that was very   ity. Like I said, that did not work well for me,
            owner, how that will interface with him, tying   fruitful for us as well. We feel we are some of   when I had those signals and sounds coming
            it around localism with full customization.   the best-kept secrets in this space for small-   from the corporate mentality of that space at
            It provides you as much control or as little   and medium-market owners.   that time. I just said, "We are better than this."
            control as you want as a radio owner-operator   That being said, Donna Halberson, our   That's why we embarked on LRN. We have
            utilizing the 24/7 format through us.   national sales rep, has done an amazing job   a great strategic partnership with ADLarge
                                               with the outreach she has. Radio station own-  Media — Gary Schonfeld and Kathy Csukas are
            Radio Ink: Tell us exactly what you are   ers/operators are reaching out to us. It is a   great folks. They do all the ad barter repre-
            offering stations.                 good thing. We are more than capable of han-  sentation. The team of LRN is expanding and
              Swick: We have 12 different formats, all   dling from one station to 20 stations at a time   growing. Most recently we hired three key
            24/7. With all that had gone on with Cumulus   if they join the network.   individuals from Westwood One and brought
            and iHeartMedia, etc., we started hiring back                         them over to our team. There will be others as
            all this national talent at LRN. We have a   Radio Ink: What kind of feedback are   this grows bigger.
            complete library of all uncompressed audio,   you getting?              I can tell you, the folks who left 20- or
            flexible clocks, no mandatory-fill positions.   Swick: I get direct calls from operators   25-year careers with those organizations left
            We provide 100 percent redundancy, so if you   who say, "You do not have the Wall Street cor-  for a reason. It was because of what we just
            have a power failure, a fire, a flood, a hur-  porate mentality. You do understand what it's   explained, the complacency and lack of atten-
            ricane, etc., we have everything backed up   like to be a small-market owner."   tion to detail. The folks I brought over are the
            virtually in our system.             We took it totally to the opposite. We are   people we want on our team.

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