Page 23 - Messenher
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Our church in Swaziland found versatile property with executive PROJECTS IN DRC, GAMBIA,
offices and a meeting hall. That building alone can hold 4,500
people. It became available on the real estate market and a decision AND NIGERIA
was made to purchase it. The plan was to raise the amount within Recent photos of the construction project on the national
our local churches. The project was very successful. Most of the property in DRC show the newly appointed field secretary
necessary funding was raised in approximately one year. Near the preparing this building for a parsonage and office space. It
end of the project, additional funding was needed and Harvest is very important to finish this work and we are trusting the
Partners and Helping Hand Ministry donors contributed. I cannot Lord as we move forward. The work in Gambia is progressing.
find words to adequately express our great joy and thankfulness I want to express my sincere gratitude to the donors and
for the funding collected for Swaziland. On behalf of the ministry partners for getting it to near completion. Brother Chris Uti
and leadership team, I would like to express our sincere appreciation and our people there have done a tremendous job. In terms
for this generous gesture. This is like cold water to a very thirsty of the needs still to be met, we are praying to finish the
soul. Blessings! work.
The Lord has been good to us in Nigeria as we have been
working hard to get the national building in good shape. After
threats from the government authorities concerning the
conditions of the building, we began to ask you for assistance.
Your financial support has helped us and motivated the
brethren here to act. I’m happy to inform you that your support
has brought us this far. We have plastered three out of the
four corners of the building trusting that God who started it
will finish what He has started.
—Enis James Kolawole
National Overseer