Page 18 - Messenher
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Bishop Gabriel Vidal was saved at the age of five and has been involved in church work his entire life.
                         In 1984, he moved to New York after finishing three intensive years in a school of business in Santo
                         Domingo and then lived in Rhode Island from 1985 to 2000. He co-planted a church in Providence
                         and later became regional youth leader for both Southern New England and the Northeast Hispanic
                         regions. He has also served as administrative assistant for the Spanish Voice of Salvation ministry
                         and director of the World Language Department before his appointment as general presbyter of
                         South America. He and his wife, Hanny, have two children.

          MORE THAN 65,000
            We rejoice in our wonderful God! The most recent statistical   new and well-trained pastors is very evident. Therefore, we
          report  indicated  that  we  surpassed  65,000  members  and   work together to balance the great harvest with leadership
          1500 churches in South America. It is only by the grace and   development. We are on our way for the glory of our Lord
          mercy of the Lord that we are here now. The work continues   Jesus Christ.
          to bear fruit thanks to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the
          help of so many people that love the Lord and the church   INTERNATIONAL LEADERSHIP
          and are giving their lives for the sake of the cause of Christ.  CONFERENCE
                                                                During  the  month  of  August  2017,  the  leadership  and
          MORE THAN 10,000                                     ministry  throughout  the  continent  gathered  in  Guayaquil,
            We are also thankful for what the Lord continues to do in   Ecuador,  to  celebrate  our  fifth  International  Leadership
          the nation of Peru. More than 10,000 people attended our   Conference. Over 800 of our key leaders and members
          last national convention indicating the amazing growth that   participated in this powerful event. Seminars were led with
          Peru has been experiencing during the last six years. Peru   the  participation  of  Dr.  Elias  Rodriguez,  Alfonso  Guevara
          reported over 800 churches with an additional more than 400   (author  of  Pastors  of  Flesh  and  Blood),  Alejandro  Lopez
          preaching points. The church planting movement began in   (pastor of one of the largest Spanish churches in Europe),
          Peru for the continent of South America, but interest has   “Encuentro con Dios,” Levitas del Tropico, Cathy Payne, Kirk
          not withered, it has continued to move forward. Our motto   Rising, Paul Holt, Kathy Creasy, as well as two of our general
          is based on Psalm 1:3 “He shall be like a tree planted by the   presbyters,  Benjamin  Feliz  (Central  America,  Mexico,  and
          rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose   Spanish-speaking Caribbean) and Clayton Martin (Caribbean
          leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.”    and Atlantic Ocean Islands). We are grateful for the presence
                                                               of the Lord during the conference.
          GRADUATIONS                                          ON OUR WAY, 1000 LEADERS
            Last year, 12 of our key leaders graduated from Gordon-  Finally, at the beginning of the month of November 2017,
          Conwell. At this point 8 of our 10 national administrative   more than 50 students and the national administrative overseers
          overseers have a Master of Religion degree (MAR) for a total   traveled to Santiago, Chile, to participate in the pilot program
          of 14 who graduated on the continent. The importance of   for our certificate program with CEL (Pentecostal Theological
          this mile-stone is that we are slowly preparing to begin the   Seminary). Dr. Wilfredo Estrada and Wilmer Estrada taught
          process to initiate our first theological seminary. The goal   two wonderful courses to begin the new educational endeavor
          is  to  train  the  next  1000  pastors  with  a  foundation  of  a   for the continent.  We are on the way to train 1000 pastors
          theological bachelors’ level degree. As we continue to plant   for the glory of our Lord! (See page 26)
          churches at a record pace in South America, the need for
                                                                We continue to ask for your prayers as the Lord of Hosts
                                                               continues  to  walk  with  us  on  our  way  to  saturate  South
                                                               America with healthy churches and powerful leaders.

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