Page 16 - Messenher
P. 16
Reports are coming in from the various areas of Asia, Australia, are excited to be a part of the COGOP family and are actively
and Oceania that many souls are coming to the Lord, miracles are training leaders with the intent of establishing new churches
occurring, new churches are being established, and anticipation for the glory of God.
is building throughout the region. Many miracles and excitement are taking place in the land
The work in Fiji is progressing well under the leadership down-under of Australia through the leadership of Bishop
of Bishop Daniel Gann. New churches have been established Dennis Casey and his wife, Carman. Due to a series of Spirit-led
among the native people. The national convention was held decisions, the Brisbane church has acquired 40 acres of land
this past August with the general presbyter being the official with two houses that has been valued at more than a million
guest. Property has been purchased and plans are underway dollars, and it is all debt free. In addition, a new Hispanic work
to build a new mother church and a home for Bishop Gann. has been organized in Sydney with pastor Juan Osores currently
A new and thriving church has been established in Auckland, serving as the pastor. This church is zealous for the work of the
New Zealand with Pastor James Bryce and his wife Patsy serving Lord, and plans are being considered to send a mission team
as the shepherds of this flock. They and their congregation in the future. The local church in Albury/Wodonga is full of
Albury Fiji New Zealand Sydney