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                                                            RI 5REHUW  3DWULFN :DUEXUWRQ  DQG 'HDQGUD  9LUJLQLD 0DGVHQ
                                                            The latter two are charming stereotypes of suburban parents,
                                                            leaving money for pizza and instructions to be in bed by eleven.
                                                            :DUEXUWRQ GLVSOD\V KLV VLJQDWXUH GHDGSDQ  ZLWK 5REHUW GHSOR\
                                                            LQJ VRPH FODVVLF oGDG KXPRXUp t DW 'HDQGUDpV IDX[ H[DVSHUDWLRQ
                                                            at his ugly Christmas tie, he teasingly switches it to an equally
                                                            NLWVFK RQH KLGGHQ LQVLGH KLV FRDW  +LV ZLIH VHHPV VLPLODUO\ JRRG
                                                            KXPRXUHG  XSRQ RSHQLQJ /XNHpV EHGURRP GRRU DW DQ LQRSSRUWXQH
                                                            PRPHQW  FDWFKLQJ KLV EHVW IULHQG *DUUHWW  (G 2[HQERXOG  DJUHH
                                                            ing he’d love him to ‘get some ass’, she lets him clumsily try to
                                                            UHFRYHU  *DUUHWW LV D EDG LQĻXHQFH  VKH ZDUQV /XNH  SUHVXPDEO\
                                                            unaware of the weed the latter has acquired from the former’s
                                                            brother. This easy passing of blame – her ‘not my child’ certainty
                                                            t LV P\RSLF  VKH REYLRXVO\ KDV QR LGHD DERXW /XNHpV LQQHU OLIH
                                                              /XNHpV SODQ IRU WKH HYHQLQJ LV  XQH[SHFWHGO\  WR KDYH VH[
                                                            with Ashley. He has had a crush on her for years and, now that
                                                            she is moving, it is his last chance. This is a familiar plotline in
                                                            ĺOPV LQYROYLQJ WHHQV  H[FHSW XVXDOO\ WKH JRDO LV D NLVV DQG WKH
                                                            SURWDJRQLVW LV VLJQLĺFDQWO\ ROGHU  ,WpV FOHDU WKDW VHYHQWHHQ \HDU
                                                            old Ashley is not going to have extremely inappropriate relations
                                                            ZLWK WKH FKLOG VKH LV UHVSRQVLEOH IRU  EXW /XNHpV SXSS\ ORYH LV
                                                            XQFRPIRUWDEO\ FOXPV\ DQG FRQĺGHQW  ZH DUH HQFRXUDJHG WR
                                                            laugh at his transparent efforts. He puts on a horror movie – a
                                                            signal that he believes he is no longer a kid – yet rests his head
                                                            on Ashley’s shoulder as though he is scared, a typical move for
                                                            the girl in such a scenario. He also declares his maturity by guz
                                                            zling champagne from the bottle, bragging about how well he
                                                            FDQ KROG KLV DOFRKRO  :KHQ KH LJQRUHV $VKOH\pV ĺUP UHEXIIV DQG
                                                            kisses her, she rebukes him in an authoritative tone, desperate
                                                            WR UH HVWDEOLVK ERXQGDULHV  /XNH LV LQGLJQDQW DW EHLQJ WUHDWHG
                                                            like a child. He is almost thirteen, he argues – a particularly
                                                            FKLOGLVK UHWRUW t DQG WKHUH LV D ĺYH \HDU DJH JDS EHWZHHQ KLV
                                                            parents. Ashley softens, consoling him by saying she would
                                                            GDWH KLP LI WKH\ ZHUH WKH VDPH DJH  7KH LPSOLFDWLRQV RI /XNHpV
                                                            FUXVK HYROYH  LQLWLDOO\ LW VHHPV MXYHQLOH DQG PLVJXLGHG  EXW KLV
                                                            EOLQNHUHG SHUVLVWHQFH DQG UHMHFWLRQ RI ERXQGDULHV VRRQ EHFRPH
                                                            REQR[LRXV  WKHQ ZKROO\ WHUULI\LQJ
                                                              7KH SUREOHP RI WKLV GLVREHGLHQW  VOLJKWO\ LQWR[LFDWHG WZHOYH
                                                            \HDU ROG LV RYHUVKDGRZHG E\ WKH KRPH LQYDVLRQ  7KH SDLU
                                                            are besieged by classic horror scenarios: prank calls, a brick
                                                            WKURXJK WKH ZLQGRZ ZDUQLQJ o8 /($9( 8 ',(p DQG D PDVNHG
                                                            ĺJXUH ZLWK D VKRWJXQ SDWUROOLQJ WKH KDOOZD\  $VKOH\pV W\UHV DUH
                                                            VODVKHG  WKH SKRQH OLQH  FXW  DQG WKH LQWHUQHW  GLVDEOHG  ,QGHHG
                                                            !DSSDQ 6@SBG .TS is a loving homage to the horror genre, with
                                                            a catalogue of aural and visual tropes: eyes peeping through
                                                            cracks, a silhouette at the window, a locked door found ajar,
                                                            UXVWOLQJ QRLVHV RXWVLGH  D MXPS VFDUH EHFDXVH RI D VSLGHU  2QH
                                                            shot from behind a faintly moving swing in the backyard looks
                                                            towards the open back door, establishing the intruder’s en
                                                            trance. In the horror movie they are watching, a scared woman
                                                            says, ‘I want to leave’ – dialogue that always precedes a terrible
                                                            occurrence – before Ashley is startled by a noise outside. When
                                                            she, reasonably, asks, ‘Why would they go into the attic?’ she
                                                            SUH HPSWV WKHLU RZQ UHWUHDW WR WKLV VSDFH
                                                              7KHVH VHTXHQFHV DUH VR SRLQWHGO\ VHOI DZDUH  VR KHDY\
                                                            handed with references, that it’s a relief to get to the fairly
                                                            REYLRXV UHYHDO  WKH LQWUXGHU LV *DUUHWW  +LGLQJ LQ WKH ZDUGUREH
                                                            t $VKOH\ SHHNLQJ RXW RI WKH VODWV OLNH /DXULH  -DPLH /HH &XUWLV
                                                            in '@KKNVDDM  -RKQ &DUSHQWHU         ZDWFKLQJ WKH LQWUXGHU ORRN
        This spread, clockwise from top left: 'ARRETT  ,UKE AND  under the bed – she eventually realises and is furious, admon
                                                            LVKLQJ /XNH  o<RX QHHG WKHUDS\ t ORWV RI LW p <HW WKLV REYLRXVO\ LOO
                                                            fated plan was a ruse, a soft twist distracting the viewer from

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