Page 14 - Aviation News - September 2017
P. 14

CIVIL NEWS      AZUR air Starts Operations

         German start-up AZUR air began  ying from Düsseldorf to Palma, Spain in early July after receiving its Air Operator Certi cate (AOC) on June
       30.  Other proposed destinations include Greece, Egypt, Turkey and the Dominican Republic.  Azur Air Germany currently has two Boeings 767-
       300ERs, D-AZUB and D-AZUC, and operates from Düsseldorf and Berlin-Schönefeld.  Javier Rodríguez

           Drones to Require Compulsory Registration

          Drones weighing little more than half   intent is to make it easier to track drones   Airport in just three weeks during 2016.
        a standard tin of baked beans must    own in an allegedly risky manner or that   After Gatwick Airport brie y closed its
        be registered by operators, following   have infringed protected airspace  runway and diverted four  ights on July
        safety calls from the British Airline Pilots   BALPA has previously warned of a   1, when a drone penetrated its airspace,
        Association (BALPA).                catastrophe unless drones are subject to   BALPA called for mandatory registration of
           New government rules – involving   tougher regulations.  The number of reported   drones.  This view was supported by a report
        drones of eight ounces (226 grams) or   near misses has increased dramatically over   published by the Department of Transport
        more – were announced on July 22.   the last year as the popularity of drones has   on July 22, which showed readily available
           Full details of how the registration plan   grown, and three aircraft narrowly missed   drones can penetrate an aircraft windscreen
        will work have yet to be issued, but the   being in collision with drones near Heathrow   or shatter a helicopter rotor.  David Smith.

              LOT Goes                                      The Joshua Tree

              Long-haul                                        and JetMagic

         from Budapest

        The Polish Airline LOT intends to launch
        long-haul services from Budapest.  The
        year-round links – four times a week to
        New York and twice-weekly to Chicago
        – are due to introduced next May and
        will be the  rst direct services from the
        Hungarian capital to the US since 2011.
        They will be operated by a Boeing 787   JetMagic’s Boeing 757-23A, 9H-AVM (c/n 24527), is supporting Irish rock band U2 on the
                                            European legs of The Joshua Tree tour.  It has been given special markings to promote the tour,
        Dreamliner will be permanently based at   which celebrates the 30th anniversary of their 1987 album of the same name.  This is not the
        Budapest/Ferenc Liszt.               rst time 9H-AVM has been linked with a rock band, having previously carried US rockers Guns
                                            N’ Roses during their European tour.  Paul Doyle

                   Airbus Secures Major Chinese Order

       Airbus has signed a General Terms    Xi Jinping and German Chancellor Angela   competitive product portfolio.”
       Agreement (GTA) with the state-owned   Merkel.                             The in-service Airbus  eet in China
       China Aviation Supplies Holding        “This is a great endorsement for our   numbered 1,440 aircraft at the end of
       Company (CAS) for 140 aircraft.  The deal   leading products in both single-aisle and   May, with A320 Family jets accounting for
       comprises 100 A320 Family jets and 40   widebody segments,” said Enders.  “China   1,230 of those.  The European aerospace
       A350 XWBs.                           is today one of the world’s most important   giant has a  nal assembly line for the
         Tom Enders (Airbus CEO) and Sun Bo   markets for aviation, and we are honoured   A320 Family in Tianjin and is also opening
       (EVP of CAS) signed the GTA in Berlin in   to support the development and rapid   an A330 cabin completions centre in the
       the presence of visiting Chinese President   growth of the nation’s civil aviation with our   northern Chinese city.

     14                                                                              Aviation News incorporating Jets September 2017

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