Page 15 - Aviation News - September 2017
P. 15

Lancair Mako                               First A320neo for S7

            Debuts at


      Lancair International unveiled its new four-
      seat Mako light aircraft at this year’s Oshkosh
      EAA AirVenture show.  The Mako, which
      features an automatically operated retractable
      nosewheel, can be powered by various engines
      including the 210hp Continental IO-360 and
      the turbocharged Lycoming TIO-540, giving it
      competitive performance against types such as
      the Cirrus SR22 and the Cessna TTx.  It has
      two gullwing entry doors and a central control
      stick with throttles on both sidewalls allowing   The first A320neo for S7 Airlines.  Eurospot
      operation by either pilot.  As with other Lancair
      products, the Mako is sold as a kit but owners   Oneworld alliance member S7 Airlines   from BOC Aviation, it was handed over to the
      can complete their aircraft at the Lancair   recently took delivery of its first Airbus   Novosibirsk-based operator on July 21.  S7
      builder-assist centre at its Uvalde, Texas factory.    A320neo, becoming the first carrier in Russia   has configured the aircraft in a 164-seat, two-
      The prototype Mako (N580L) made its first flight   to operate the type.  The Pratt & Whitney-  class layout including eight in Business and
      on July 18 and has flown more than 40 hours to   powered jet, VQ-BCF (c/n 7629) is one of 19   156 in Economy.  It joins the airline’s existing
      date.  Rod Simpson                   on order, including three A321neos.  On lease   fleet of 44 A320 Family aircraft.

         Air France Unveils Offshoot Aimed at Millennials

       Previously known under the working name   the millennials, whose lifestyles revolve   airline, “as it will offer original products and
       Boost, Joon launches its first medium-haul   around digital technology”, according to its   services that reflect those of Air France”.
       services this autumn with long-haul flights   parent Air France.        Instead, savings will be achieved through
       scheduled to start next summer.       Joon is an integral part of Air France’s   revised cabin crew labour agreements, and
         According to its parent company Joon –   bid to regain market share on ultra-  buy-on-board services.
       which will be headed by veteran Air France-  competitive routes, although the French flag   Operations will start with six Airbus
       KLM Group manager Jean-Michel Mathieu   carrier has gone to great lengths to explain   A321s leased from Air France, followed
       – is aimed at “a young working clientele,   its new offshoot will not be a low-cost   next year by up to four A340s.

           Chinese Buy ‘Flying Car’                                                      Darwin

                                                                                Changes Hands

                                                                                Luxembourg-based private equity fund
                                                                                4K Invest, owner of Slovenian flag carrier
                                                                                Adria Airways, has acquired Darwin
                                                                                  Under the terms of the deal, the
                                                                                Lugano-based carrier will continue to
                                                                                operate under its own Air Operator
                                                                                Certificate (AOC) but will be rebranded
                                                                                as Adria Airways Switzerland.
                                                                                  “Darwin is an excellent airline
                                                                                with experienced management and
                                                                                staff,” Adria CEO Dr Arno Schuster
                                                                                remarked.  “Extending our network and,
                                                                                consequently, optimising cost structures
                                                                                will create a win-win situation for both
      The Transition can cruise at an airspeed of 93kts and has a range of 425nm.  Rod Simpson
                                                                                carriers.  Our experienced commercial
      The Terrafugia Transition roadable aircraft   behind the cabin module, the Transition has   department will market Darwin’s flights
      project has been sold to the Chinese   double folding wings which are positioned   under the brand name Adria Airways
      organisation Zhejiang Geely Holding Group,   beside the fuselage when it is in road mode.    Switzerland”.
      which is a multi-product company with   On the ground the Transition has a top   The Swiss carrier, which employs
      investments including Volvo and Lotus Cars.    speed of 70mph, and in the air it cruises at   around 400 staff, had previously operated
      The Transition is a two-seat machine, originally   93kts and has a range of 425nm (787km).  It   as Etihad Regional following a partial
      launched in 2006, and the prototype (pictured)   has been approved as an LSA (Light Sport   buyout by Etihad Airways in 2014.  Its sale
      was first flown in March 2009 followed by   Aircraft), although none have been delivered to   comes amid a major review of the Abu
      the production prototype on March 23, 2012.    customers, and the company is also working   Dhabi-based airline’s European portfolio.
      Powered by a Rotax 912 ULS, mounted   on a four-seat model, the TF-X.  Rod Simpson                                                                                    15

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