Page 4 - Aviation News - September 2017
P. 4

HEADLINES  Boeing 737 MAX Makes European Debut

       Two Boeing 737 MAX 8s were handed    One of two Boeing 737 MAX 8s recently   allows us to open up new, unserved routes
       over to low-cost carrier Norwegian during   handed over to low-cost carrier Norwegian at   and offer Americans and Europeans even
                                            Boeing Field on June 29.  Boeing
       a ceremony at the manufacturer’s Boeing                                  more affordable transatlantic fares.”
       Field facility, near Seattle. Washington, on   the Boeing 737 MAX, and we are overjoyed   Meanwhile, the carrier has con rmed the
       June 29.  The jets, EI-FYA (c/n 42830) and   to have them join our  eet today.”  late Queen frontman Freddie Mercury will
       EI-FYB (c/n 42826), are the  rst of their kind   “We’re the  rst European airline to   become its latest British ‘tail n hero’.  The
       in Europe.                           operate this brand new aircraft, and we’re   rock legend’s portrait will feature on two
         Bjørn Kjos, Norwegian’s CEO said:   also the  rst airline in the world to operate it   aircraft, a 787 Dreamliner and a 737-800,
       “We’ve been eagerly awaiting the delivery of   to and from the United States” he added.  [It]   later this year.

                           RAF Poseidon Squadrons Announced

        The identities of the RAF’s two frontline   both based at RAF Lossiemouth, Scotland.    In related news, the MOD is
        P-8A Poseidon units were announced   The  rst is due to stand up in April 2018   examining the Poseidon as a candidate
        by UK Defence Secretary Sir Michael   under the command of Wg Cdr James   to replace the Sentinel R1 in the overland
        Fallon during an address at the Air Power   Hanson.  The  rst of nine P-8s will arrive   wide-area surveillance role, as the RAF
        Conference 2017 in London on July 13.    in the UK in 2020.  No.201 Squadron will   Sentinel  eet is planned for retirement
        These will be 120 and 201 Squadrons,   form in 2021.                    in 2021.

                                 Bolivia Retires its T-33s

       With the Fuerza Aérea Boliviana (FAB,   The Bolivian Air Force  rst received the T-33   Bolivian T-33s were upgraded by Kelowna
       Bolivian Air Force) withdrawing its last   in 1973.  This air arm was the last military   Flightcraft in Canada during the late 1990s
                                            operator of the T-33.  It retired the type on
       examples of the Lockheed AT/T-33 Shooting   July 31.  Santiago Rivas.    and early 2000s.  The last military squadron
       Star from service on July 31, the military                               to operate the T-33 was Escuadrón de
       career of one of the most important jet   Royal Canadian Air Force Canadair T-33A/N   Caza 311, part of the Grupo Aéreo de Caza
       trainers in history has  nally come to a   Silver Stars, and in 1985 it received a   (GAC) 31 at El Alto Airport.  The FAB’s
       close.  The T-33 was introduced to FAB   further 18 T-33SC and T-33SF aircraft from   T-33s were retired without replacement.
       service in 1973 in the form of 18 former   surplus French stocks.  All the surviving   Juan Carlos Cicalesi

     4                                                                               Aviation News incorporating Jets September 2017

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