Page 7 - Aviation News - September 2017
P. 7
Final RAAF EA-18G Growler Arrives in Australia
A ceremony to mark the arrival of the last with RAAF F/A-18F Super Hornets and delivered to Australia in February 2017.
EA-18G Growler for the Royal Australian US Navy EA-18G Growlers as part of the In related news, Australia has agreed to
Air Force was held at RAAF Base operational test and evaluation process. collaborate on the development of the AN/
Amberley, Queensland, on July 7. Delivery The service has also marked the ALQ-249 Next Generation Jammer Mid-
of the RAAF’s entire fleet of 12 EA-18G graduation of aircrew assigned to the first band (Increment 1) (NGJ-MB) programme
airborne electronic attack (AEA) aircraft operational transition course. for the Growler. Raytheon is developing
is now complete, and Australian Growlers The RAAF’s first EA-18G was rolled out the jammer under a contract from the
have already conducted successful by Boeing at its St Louis, Missouri, facility US Naval Air Systems Command.
weapon firings and integration flights in July 2015 and the initial examples were Tom Kaminski
US Carrier
Visits the UK
The aircraft carrier USS George HW Bush
(CVN 77) visited the Solent over July
27-August 1 and directly after that took part
in Exercise Saxon Warrior (until August
10). The latter was due to involve over
100 aircraft, warships from five nations,
submarines and about 9,000 personnel in
British waters and airspace.
Royal Marines Colonel Phil Kelly, the
Strike Warfare Commander in the UK’s
Carrier Strike Group battle staff, explained
the reasoning behind Saxon Warrior:
“This exercise is a great demonstration Specially marked F/A-18C 165187 ‘AJ-400’ of VFA-87 flown by Captain Vorrice J Burks, Deputy
of the UK’s relationship with the United Commander, Air Group of Carrier Air Wing 8. Glenn Sands
States who are helping us in getting back
our carrier strike capability and making a
success of the Queen Elizabeth aircraft
carrier programme.” US naval personnel
were to train side-by-side with UK pilots,
engineers and deck handlers to build
combined maritime and aviation capability
and capacity.
The US carrier and her strike group are
on the final leg of a deployment that was to
support Operation Inherent Resolve – the
fight against the so-called Islamic State.
A close-up of the Syrian Fitter victory marking
on F/A-18E Super Hornet 168912 ‘AJ-302’ from
VFA-37. The shoot-down took place on June
18 over central Syria, see p10 in the August
issue for more details. Glenn Sands
New Transports for Portugal
The Portuguese Council of Ministers with Embraer. Within three months, the through Embraer's Portuguese presence
has authorised the start of negotiations working group will “agree with Embraer in Évora, where components of the aircraft
with Embraer to purchase five KC-390 on the terms and technical and financial are built and involving OGMA (General
transport aircraft, with the option of one conditions for the acquisition of aircraft, Office of Aeronautical Material) in Alverca.
more. The aircraft will replace the ageing establishing the maximum amounts According to Azeredo Lopes, the costs
C-130 fleet, in service with the Portuguese of funding”, financial programming and of the aircraft being sought will be spread
Air Force since the late 1970s. The deal, schedule, according to the defence over several years
which was authorised on June 8, also ministry. The negotiations will include The first KC-390 prototype flew in
includes a flight simulator for the new logistical support of the aircraft, with February 2015 and the initial production
aircraft. The order value and delivery the specific technical and operational aircraft are slated to be delivered to the
deadlines had not been decided at the configurations defined by the air force. Brazilian Air Force in 2018. More than
time of going to press. Portugal is one of the countries involved 50 Brazilian companies participate in the
Portuguese Defence Minister José in the KC-390 project, having participated project, which also involves Argentina and
Azeredo Lopes will lead negotiations in the construction and development the Czech Republic. Jose Matos 7
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