Page 62 - Aviation News - September 2017
P. 62

The wide cabin introduced on the G650 has also been incorporated into the G500 and G600.  The G500 and G600 are currently in advanced
       stages of testing prior to certification.  Photo courtesy of Gulfstream Aerospace Corp.

       (IAI – later Israel Aerospace Industries)   interiors but are externally modified with   NEW GENERATION
       airborne integrated SIGINT system.    large conformal fairings on the fuselage   In 2008, the company announced it was
       Externally, the aircraft is fitted with a long   sides to facilitate 360º surveillance, nose   developing a brand new flagship, the ultra
       belly gondola and an antenna pod on the   and tail radomes and a fin-tip antenna.    long-range Gulfstream G650.  While it
       fin tip together with numerous external   Orders for four similar CAEW aircraft have   followed the familiar design layout, the
       antennas.  Even more modified are the two   also come from the Republic of Singapore   G650 was a larger aircraft and it had a new
       Eitam CAEW-IAF (conformal airborne early   Air Force and two, modified by IAI, have   semi-oval fuselage cross section which
       warning) aircraft which entered service   been delivered to the Italian Air Force.    made the cabin 14in (0.36m) wider than that
       in September 2007.  These carry Elta   Australia will also receive a special missions   of the G450 giving eight windows on each
       Systems’ advanced L-band/S-band airborne   G550, modified by L-3 Systems, by the end   side.  It also had a wing which was 6ft 1in
       electronically scanned array (AESA) and   of 2017 and the US Navy is to replace its   (1.86m) longer and with increased sweep
       airborne early warning (AEW) radars,   NP-3D Billboard range monitoring aircraft   (36° compared with 27° on previous models).
       advanced data links and fully missionised   with a similar CAEW Gulfstream.    It had fly-by-wire controls and, from 2014,

       The PlaneView II cockpit on the G650ER.  Photo courtesy of Gulfstream Aerospace Corp.

     62                                                                              Aviation News incorporating Jets September 2017

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