Page 63 - Aviation News - September 2017
P. 63

The spacious and luxurious cabin of a G650.  Photo courtesy of Gulfstream Aerospace Corp.
      customers could opt for the G650ER with a
      7,500nm (13,890km) range – 500nm (926km)   of the G650 and they both have wider cabins   in 2016 when the fourth test aircraft (N504GS
      more than the standard version.      than the G450 and G550, although not quite   c/n 72004) was  own in from the Savannah
        The G650 marked a change in        as large as the G650.  The cabin has the   factory in just under seven hours.
      manufacturing techniques and included the   larger windows used on the G650 and has   With the G500 test programme well under
      chemical bonding of airframe components to   been completely redesigned with updated   way, the G600 prototype (N600G, c/n 73001)
      reduce the volume of conventional riveting.    seating and a new infotainment system.    took to the air on December 17, 2016 and
      The prototype G650 (N650GA, c/n 6001)   In a move away from Rolls-Royce, the   there are now four G600s  ying towards  rst
      made its  rst  ight on November 25, 2009   G500, which has an NBAA IFR range of   customer deliveries in the fourth quarter of
      and the G650 (known as the GVI for FAA   5,000nm (9,260km), is powered by 15,144lb/  2018.  The G600 has a 4ft (1.22m) longer
      purposes) gained its type certi cate on   st Pratt & Whitney Canada PW814GA   cabin than the G500 and has greater range at
      September 7, 2012.                   turbofans and the G600 has higher rated   6,200nm (11,482km), at Mach 0.85 carrying
        The model proved successful with   15,680lb/st PW815GA engines.        eight passengers and four crew – although
      customers and more than 250 have been   The new jets have completely redesigned   it can be con gured for up to 19 passengers
      built to date.  A number have been bought for    ight decks with active control side sticks   and crew.  The cabin can be arranged in four
      charter operations, such as by Korean Air and   similar to those designed for the F-35  ghter   separate areas and has a large restroom and
      Qatar Executive.  Other customers include   by BAE Systems,  y-by-wire systems and   the option of a galley at the front or rear of
      the Azerbaijan Government, corporate users   ten touchscreen Gulfstream Symmetry Flight   the cabin.  Its top speed is Mach 0.925 and
      such as JC Bamford Excavators, avionics and   Deck control panels.  This incorporates   it cruises at 51,000ft (15,545m) – well above
      engine giant Honeywell and the watchmaker   synthetic vision and the EVS system   airline traffic.
      Patek Philippe.                      accessed by the pilot through a HUD (head-  As Gulfstream Aerospace moves towards
        Having established the G650, Gulfstream   up display).  The G500 prototype (N500GA,   2018 and 2019 it remains at the forefront of
      turned its attention to a new aircraft family.    c/n 72001) made its maiden  ight on May 18,   business aviation.  It continues to sell the
      Two new models were designed and are now   2015 and three other development aircraft as   G280 super-midsize jet, the airframe of which
      under development: the G500 (which has no   well as one fully out tted production aircraft   is built in Israel by IAI and  tted out in the
      relationship to the earlier model with the same   are under test with a target of the end of 2017   US, and will have a line-up of the fast, long-
      name) and a stretched version, the G600.    for certi cation (as the GVII).  The European   range, large cabin G500, G550, G600 and
      Their fuselage design followed the philosophy   debut for the G500 was made at Farnborough   G650/650ER.
      Prototype G600, N600G, takes off on the type’s maiden  ight on December 17 last year.  Photo courtesy of Gulfstream Aerospace Corp.


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