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        Welcome                                                                          Editor’s             picks

        If you asked anyone in the world to name an   he spent only a few weeks in England. Richard       Win a museum getaway
        English king, there’s a strong chance that they   cared so little for his native land he once said of   40  To top off our look at John
                                                                                                          Franklin’s doomed Arctic
        would name Richard the Lionheart. Whether   the capital: “I would sell London itself if only I    expedition, you can win a
        for his inclusion in the Robin Hood mythos (and   could find a rich enough buyer.”                private tour of an exhibition
                                                                                                          on the subject and an
        its Disney adaptation) or for his famed courage   In this month’s issue, we peel back the layers of   overnight stay in Greenwich.
        during the Third Crusade, Richard I, nicknamed   legend and ask not just how did Richard earn his
                                                                                         56               Remember the Alamo
       ‘the Lionheart’, is an iconic figure. However, the   famous nickname, but how did a third son end up   Find out how Davy
        legend of the lion is one that’s quite divorced from   ruling an empire that spanned              Crockett’s forces were
                                                                                                          overwhelmed but inspired
        the real-life monarch.                               from the east of Ireland to the              the Texas Revolution with
          While his surcoat of three lions is still on       south of France? The true story              our detailed battle map of
                                                                                                          the iconic siege.
        England’s royal coat of arms — not to mention        of a family feud that turned
        hundreds of thousands of football shirts — it’s      into an outright war is more   84            Discover lost treasure
        unlikely the national hero actually spoke English.   compelling than the myth.                    Featuring Nazi gold, sunken
                                                                                                          Spanish galleons and King
        Though he was born in Oxford, Richard I spent                                                     John’s crown jewels, discover
        most of his life either fighting in the Holy Land           Jack  Parsons                         history’s greatest lost
                                                                                                          treasures and, just possibly,
        or in France. In fact, after his coronation in 1189,        Editor                                where to find them.

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