Page 4 - All About History 55 - 2017 UK
P. 4




        RISE    LION

        28  Find out how warrior king Richard the Lionheart earned
        his name and stole the throne by fighting against his father

                  THE      WRITTEN            WORD

        14   Timeline
           How the alphabet evolved over time
        16   Inside history
           Explore Gutenberg’s revolutionary
           printing press and workshop
        18  Anatomy of
           A 19th century novelist
        20  A day in the life
            The punishing routine of the
            monks who kept knowledge alive
            during the Middle Ages
        22  How   to
           Channel your ki and paint
           Japanese calligraphy
        24  Hall of fame                                                   60
            The wordsmiths and writers who
            have defined the English language
        26  5 shocking facts
            The unbelievable truth about
            Egyptian hieroglyphics

        40  Terror on the ice           70  Sun, sea and
            How an obsession with finding the   social breakdown
            fabled Northwest Passage doomed   The rise of the railway brought the
            John Franklin and his 128 men   seaside in reach of the masses — and
                                            fresh challenges to Victorian morality
        48  The other Mozart
            In the 18th century, there was not   84  Lost treasures
            one but two Mozarts who rocked the   From Nazi gold to King John’s jewels,
            world with their talents        discover history’s greatest prizes still
                                            waiting to be found
        60   The House of Kim
            The rogue state of North Korea has
            only ever had three rulers — all from
            the same family

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