Page 31 - All About History 55 - 2017 UK
P. 31

Richard I: Rise of the Lion

          The devil’s brood The Angevin dynasty ruled their empire for three generations

                                  Henry II 1133-89
                                  The first monarch of the Angevin dynasty, Henry instilled   Eleanor of Aquitaine 1122-1204
                                  ruthless ambition in his children while keeping them on a    The matriarch of the Angevin family, Eleanor would spend much of her
                                  short leash. This heavy-handed rule would cause his sons to   adult life imprisoned by Henry for inciting rebellion against him. She
                                  fight him relentlessly, eventually leading to his downfall.  would outlive all but two of her seven children by Henry.

              Henry the
              Young King                                                                         Geoffrey, Duke

                                                                                                 of Brittany 1158-86
                                                                                                 Having a reputation for deceit and treachery,
              Crowned when Henry II still held
                                                                                                 Geoffrey would prove to be a constant thorn
              the throne, Henry the Younger
                                                                                                 in his father’s and brothers’ sides. Like many
              repeatedly rebelled against his
                                                                                                 of the Angevins, he died young, probably as
              father in protest over lacking any
                                                                                                 a result of being trampled at a tournament.
              real political power or holdings.

                                                                              Eleanor    Joan
                                                                              1161-1214  1165-99

              Richard the
                                                                                         Isabelle of
              1157-99              Berengaria                                            Angoulême
              A legendary figure in his own
              lifetime, he is so ingrained into the   of Navarre
              cultural history of Britain that a           John Lackland 1167-1216       c.1188-1246
              chronicler trying to garner favour   1165-1230  The youngest and favourite son to Henry II, John   John’s second wife, she
                                                           would become infamous in later life for his lackluster   would father his five children
              with the King claimed that he   Her marriage to Richard caused
                                                           rule, clashes with the English nobility and losing most   and possessed a temper as
              had managed to trace Richards   considerable trouble as the king
                                                           of England’s continental possessions.  volatile as his own.
              heritage back to Alfred the Great   had been promised to a French
              and even to Noah and Woden.  princess, the sister of Philip II.

                                                                                    Richard of   Joan    Isabella  Eleanor
                                                                                    Cornwall   1210-38   1214-41   1215-75
              Eleanor of                                                             1209-72
              Provence c.1223-91
              Although she supported her husband throughout   Henry III 1207-72
              his reign, Eleanor was hated by the population of   With the loss of Anjou in the reign of his father,
              London, who saw her as an outsider, coining the   Henry III’s reign was filled with rebellious barons. His
              derogatory term ‘Savoyards’ to describe her and    attempts to return the Angevin Empire to its former
              her retinue.                   glory were met with defeat and disappointment.

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