Page 83 - All About History 55 - 2017 UK
P. 83

Hero or Villain?
                                                                                                           SIR FRANCIS DRAKE

                                                                                Defeat of the Armada
                                                                              When the Spanish Armada makes its
                                                                             way up the English Channel, Drake leads
                                                                            the defence as vice admiral in command of
                                                                            the English fleet. He organises fire ships to
                                                                           wreak havoc with the Spanish, causing them to
                                                                            become disorganised, devises a devastating
                                                                            broadside attack and captures the enemy’s
                                                                              flagship. The victory is the culmination
                                                                                of a life’s work for Drake, yet his
                                                                                hatred and lust for revenge are
                                                                                  certainly far from sated.

                                                                                                        Drake made sure that English
                                                                                                      ships kept their distance to avoid
                                                                                                     boarding, a popular Spanish tactic

        “ Elizabeth used Drake like a battering ram,                                   as well as supporting anti-Philip rebels in Lisbon.
                                                                                         The aim of Drake’s final journey was to cut off
         thrusting him into Spanish ports”                                             the Spanish revenue supply in Panama and finally
                                                                                       end the war — but this time the Spanish were
        alone in his disapproval, and when Drake became   But the MP wasn’t quite ready to settle down yet   prepared. It was during this campaign that Drake
        stranded several years later, the ship’s chaplain   and would take breaks from his duties to raid   contracted the disease that would kill him. Fittingly
        claimed this was due to Doughty’s unjust murder.   Spanish settlements at sea.  for the man who had made his name at sea, Drake’s
        The captain responded by not only firing him, but   As relations between England and Spain   body was dressed in full armour, sealed in a lead
        chaining him to a hatch cover and claiming he    worsened, Elizabeth used Drake like a battering   coffin and buried in the watery depths. To this day,
        was excommunicated.                    ram, thrusting him into Spanish ports to wreak   his resting place has not been found.
          While Drake’s brutal methods may have upset   havoc and flee with gold. It was these raids that   Even in the bloodthirsty era of piracy, Drake
        some of his men, none loathed and feared him   finally drove Philip to invade England once and for   stood out. But if it wasn’t for his extreme methods,
        more than Philip II. Infuriated by Drake’s raids, it   all. The Spanish built a vast force of warships, but   he wouldn’t have been so successful and it is
        was the Spanish king who gave him the nickname   then Drake raided Cadiz. He destroyed more    unlikely he would be the English hero he is today.
        ‘El Draque’, meaning ‘dragon’. It is also claimed   than 30 ships and thousands of tons of supplies   Although his exploits terrified and alienated friend
        Philip put a bounty of 20,000 ducats on his head,   with a devastating attack that set the Armada   and foe alike, they were also instrumental in
        the equivalent of several million pounds today.   back several years.          building England up as a superpower. He was an
        Drake’s Spanish enemies were so terrified of him   However, in Drake’s own words, he only ‘singed   undeniably talented navigator with a will of steel,
        that a rumour quickly spread that he was in league   the King of Spain’s beard,’ delaying the inevitable.   despite his motivations being dubious at best. Just
        with the devil. There was also gossip that he had   The Armada arrived in 1588 and Drake was   like his watery grave, it is likely that Drake’s rightful
        an enchanted mirror that showed him the positions   appointed vice admiral of the English force that   place in history will remain unclear for some time.
        of all ships on the sea.               defeated the Spanish. Drake, as usual, followed his
          England, however, embraced the ‘dragon’ as their   own rules, breaking off from the fleet and capturing  Was Sir Francis Drake a hero or a villain?
        hero. Sir Francis Drake was appointed mayor of   the flagship. Whether this was genius, a lust for   Let us know what you think
        Plymouth and became a Member of Parliament.   fame or further revenge, it worked and the English
        An active politician, he helped build a canal that   won. Not sated with this, Drake headed out once   Facebook  Twitter  © Alamy
        supplied Plymouth with fresh water for centuries.    more to destroy the last remains of the beaten force   /AllAboutHistory  @AboutHistoryMag
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