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P. 87

Lost Treasures


           Flor de la Mar                                                         “the Flor de la Mar …

                                                                                         was built in 1502 to
           In the early 16th century, Portuguese
           fleets were spreading out across the                                follow the lucrative trade
           globe as it began to forge an empire.
           Not content to act as tourists, the ships                                            route to india         ”
           returning to Lisbon could be expected
           to be laden with valuable goods from                     LAst Known
           wherever they had landed.                                  LocAtion
            The Flor de la Mar (Flower of the Sea)
           was built in 1502 to follow the lucrative                 Of the coast of
           trade route to India. Later, the trading                     Sumatra,
           vessel was pressed into service in the                      Indonesia
           Portuguese wars in India and Malaysia.
           When the rich mercantile state of
           Malacca fell, the Flor de la Mar was
           loaded with all the treasures that the
           Portuguese could lay their hands on.
           Overloaded with booty, the ungainly
           ship became stuck on shoals and was
           wrecked by a storm. The treasure of the
           Flor de la Mar may still be buried in the   Afonso de Albuquerque escaped the                 Malacca shortly after its
           sands and silt of the Malacca Strait.  shipwreck by the skin of his teeth                capture by the Portuguese, 1511

         8   the Amber room

        There is a Lithuanian legend about the origin of the amber that washes up   the beginning of the German invasion in 1941 found they could not move the
        on the shores of the Baltic Sea. The goddess of the sea lived in a palace made   aged amber without it crumbling, so they disguised the room with mundane
        of amber. When she angered the god of thunder, he smashed it to millions of   wallpaper — but this didn’t fool the Nazis.
        shards. It is these pieces of gemstone that are gathered by beachcombers.  They dismantled the Amber Room in 36 hours, packed it into 27 crates and
          But we don’t need to go into myth to find an amber palace. In Catherine   shipped them to Königsberg Castle in Germany. Here they were studied for
        Palace near Saint Petersburg, a room decorated with over six tons of amber   two years until an Allied bombing raid razed the city in 1943. After that, the
        was created for the delight of the Russian royal family in 1701. The Amber   trail for the Amber Room was lost. Portions of the room have resurfaced over
        Room, as it was predictably named, was looted by the Nazis in World War II.   the years and a reconstruction of it was created at Catherine Palace in 2003,
        Russian curators charged with evacuating national treasures to Leningrad at   but the original is still out there waiting to be found.

                                                                          A hand-coloured photograph
                                                                          of Catherine Palace’s Amber
                                                                          Room in 1931
            LAst Known


                                                                                                                               © Alamy, Getty Images
         Catherine Palace
         was built for
         Catherine I of Russia

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