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How to make…



            yzantium offered a unique blend of fusion   No doubt the Byzantine Empire’s shifting borders   Rice pudding has its beginnings in Persia, where
            cuisine. It combined Roman cooking with   over a millennium further added to its cooking pot   a dish called sheer berenj — meaning ‘milk rice’ —
            traditions from Greece and the eastern   of exotic textures, flavours and aromas. These,   is still eaten today. The Byzantine version is very
       BMediterranean, while the city’s position   coupled with imported sugar from southeast Asia,   similar, with the addition of a variety of delicious
        on the Bosphorus Strait meant it sampled many   helped the people of Byzantium — which later   extra ingredients from the city’s bustling bazaars,
        distant spices as merchants travelled back and forth   became Constantinople and then Istanbul — to   putting a fragrant twist on the popular and
        between Asia and Europe.                develop exquisite desserts.            much-loved dessert.
          l  200g rice
          l 700ml whole milk
          l 55g sugar
          l 60ml rose water
          l Spices to taste (see step 5)

                                                                                            you know?

                                                                                             Sheer birinj is a variation
                                                                                             of rice pudding that’s still
        METHOD                                                                              enjoyed as a delicacy across
        01   Pop your rice in a sieve and wash it under cold   04  Very slowly add the milk. Stir in a bit at a time   the Middle East today.
          water, rinsing it until the water runs clear. You   and then once it’s all added, keep stirring the
          can use any type of rice you like — long or short   pudding so that it doesn’t burn on the bottom of   It is nicknamed ‘food
          grain, they’re all delicious!           the pan. After around 30 minutes, the rest of the   of the angels’.
                                                  milk will be absorbed.
        02   If you have time, soak your rice in water for a
          few hours or ideally overnight. Don’t worry if   05  This is the part where you add the flavour. Mix
          you need to whip up a batch faster, though, as   in the sugar and rose water and stir to combine.   07  Your finished pudding should wobble slightly
          you can just extend the simmering time until the   From here, you can try any combination of   when shaken. You can either servie it hot right
          pudding thickens.                       Middle Eastern flavours — cardamom, nutmeg   away or enjoy it cold later on.
                                                  and cinnamon are all enticing.
        03  Drain your softened rice and place it with the                             08 Serve your pudding with a choice of Byzantine
          water into a saucepan (a non-stick one is best).   06  Once your sugar and spices have been added,   delights, such as drizzled honey or by scattering
          Using a low heat, bring the water to a gentle   you’ll need to keep your pudding over a low   dates on top. For extra crunch, you could try some
          boil and simmer until the rice has just about   heat, stirring continuously until it thickens to the   slivered almonds or pistachios. Pomegranate seeds   © Alamy
          absorbed it all.                        desired consistency.                 and edible flowers can also add a taste of luxury!

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