Page 94 - All About History 55 - 2017 UK
P. 94

HiStory                                                  anSwerS

        Send your questions to

                                                                                                 happened            to

                                                                                                 Glenn Miller?
                                                                                                 David Amsel
                                                                                                 On 15 December 1944, Glenn Miller
                                                                                                 flew across the English Channel to make
                                                                                                 arrangements for moving his Army Air Force
                                                                                                             band to Paris. His plane
                                                                                         ALTON GLENN MILLER  never arrived. Neither
                                                                                          Nationality: American  the wreckage nor
                                                                                         Born-died: 1 March 1904 –    the bodies were ever
                                                                                            15 December 1944
                                                                                                             recovered and his death
                                                                                                             was not reported by
                                                                                             Glenn Miller was a   the army for nine days,
                                                                                             big band musician
                                                                                       Brief   and bandleader in the   which has led to various
                                                                                       Bio   Swing Era. In 1942, at   conspiracy theories —
                                                                                             the height of his fame,   including the idea that
                                                                                        he gave up his professional   he was working as a
                                                                                        career and formed the 50-piece   spy. But Miller’s ill-fated
                                                                                        Army Air Force Band. In 1944,   flight was in very bad
                                                                                        they toured England and gave   weather, in a single-
                                                                                        800 performances to entertain
                                                                                        the troops.          engined US Army Air
                                                                                                             Force UC-64, with a
                                                                                                 pilot who was not certified to fly in fog.
                                                                                                   Military reports at the time stated that
                                                                                                 the fuel lines must have iced up, causing the
                                                                                                 engine to cut out while the plane was flying
         This 16th-century ‘Pillars of Hercules’                                                 low. A 2009 investigation on behalf of
         emblem appears on the Town Hall of                                                      Miller’s son concluded that the pilot would
         Seville in Spain                                                                        have had just eight seconds to react before
                                                                                                 the plane plunged into the sea and sank.
        what          is   the      origin         of   the      $    symbol?

        Alice Freeman                                Pieces of eight were silver coins, and the silver mine
        it’s surprisingly controversial. the most widely accepted   in Potosí, Bolivia, was the largest in the americas until
        theory is that it comes from the symbol for the Spanish   the 18th century. in 1672, the Spanish Colonial Mint
        Peso, which was initially written as a P with a smaller S   was established in Potosí and coins made there were
        in the top right, but later had the letters superimposed.   stamped with the letters ‘PtSi’, all superimposed. this
        Spanish coinage, in particular the ‘real de a ocho’, or   essentially looks like an S with a single vertical stroke,
        piece of eight, was common currency across the world   which may have later changed to the dollar sign we
        and was used in north america into the 19th century.   know today. the piece of eight was intended to have
        these coins showed the royal Seal of King Ferdinand ii   the same value as a German thaler coin, originally
        of aragon, which was the twin Pillars of Hercules with   made from silver mined in Joachimsthal, Bohemia. the   The UC-64 was known to
        an S-shaped scroll between them, and the $ symbol   Joachimsthaler was nicknamed the ‘thaler’, and from   suffer from icing problems
                                                                                                  in its carburettor
        could be a simplified version of this.      that we (somehow) get the word ‘dollar’.
        This day in history 17               August

         1498                            1549                   1807                 1908

          l   A cardinal resigns         l   Battle of Sampford Courtenay   l  First steamboat   l  First animated film
           Cesare Borgia, illegitimate son   The Prayer Book Rebellion in   The North River Steamboat   Emile Cohl releases Fantasmagorie,
           of Pope Alexander VI, is the    Devon and Cornwall, protesting   begins its service on the   the first animated cartoon. It is 80
           first person ever to resign as   against the introduction of   Hudson River between New   seconds long and shows a stick
           a cardinal. His elder brother   the English language liturgy in   York City and Albany. It is   figure tumbling through a barely
           has been assassinated in        church, comes to an end. 1,300   the first commercial steam-  coherent stream-of-consciousness
           mysterious circumstances and    rebels are killed in a heavy gun   powered boat in operation   sequence of animals and people
           Cesare wants to take his place.  battle with government forces.  and travels at 6.5kph.  morphing into each other.

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