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        Fact versus iction on the silver screen


        Director: Anthony Harvey Starring: Peter O’Toole, Katharine Hepburn, Anthony Hopkins, Timothy Dalton
        Country: UK, US Released: 1968
        This star-studded Medieval drama perfectly captures the

        Angevins’ perpetual family feud                                                    VERDICT While the dialogue may be iction, the ilm
                                                                                           basks in the complex historical background of the period.

            While Chinon was a      Richard I and Philip II’s   As shown in the film, Henry   The characters’ motives and   The love triangle between
        01  lynchpin in the Plantagenet  02  supposed love affair is   03   II and Eleanor liked to   04  actions are highly accurate.  05  Alice, daughter of the
        defence, there is no record of a court   eluded to in the film. The case of   play favourites. The queen clearly   Philip and Richard’s rivalry and   French king, Henry II, and Richard
        being held in the winter of 1183.   Richard’s homosexuality is fairly   favoured Richard and made him   Henry and Eleanor’s verbal sparring   is another sticking point. Richard’s
        Indeed, the heir apparent, Henry the   recent and not a claim made in his   rebel against his father. Although   ring true, and Henry II’s manic   marriage to Alice would have
        Young King, was dead by Christmas   lifetime. While there is no proof that   seemingly weaker and more   energy is also perfectly captured   secured an alliance between France
        and Richard named as heir, so the   Richard wasn’t gay, there isn’t any   incompetent than his brothers, the   by Peter O’Toole, right down to the   and England — Henry II making her
        court wouldn’t have been necessary.  clear evidence suggesting he was.   king doted on youngest son, John.   infamous chewing of the rushes.  his mistress sunk it.

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