Page 3 - BBC Knowledge - October 2017 IN
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Dr. Stuart Farrimond is a science and
medical writer, presenter and educator.
edito r brings us science experiments to do at
He passionately communicates science
and health sciences. In this issue, he
From the
home, safely and with friends and family!
Chris Hall is a science and technology
journalist. In this issue, he sheds light on
the rise of hacking and its transformation
today, and possibilities of nipping it in
the bud.
Devdutt Pattanaik is a writer, illustrator
and lecturer of mythology, who draws
READY FOR SOME MAGIC? attention to its relevance in modern times.
Based in Mumbai, he has over 30 books,
and over 800 articles to his credit.
Yes, this is a scientific magazine, but, sometimes, isn’t science To know more, visit
magical too?
Padma Shri Urvashi Bhutalia is
We’ve got a fascinating set of experiments this issue in a renowned Indian author and
our DIY Science feature – go on, try them all! What’s life without publisher. In this issue, she lays out
a little fun in the most unexpected ways? Do write in and tell us the life and works of Premchand,
one of India’s greatest writers.
how you got along…
Then, there’s a cool story about how hackers are working
their way through the world wide web, causing financial
mayhem and political problems, or just indulging in some mischief. SEND US YOUR
Also, on the cool front, but in a totally different way, the giant otters LETTERS
of the Peruvian Amazon are taking on the caimans of the river, Has something you’ve read in
BBC Knowledge intrigued or excited you?
and winning for the most part, and we have the beautiful flora and
Write in and share it with us. We’d love to hear
fauna of Ecuador in our Portfolio section. from you and we’ll publish a selection
of your comments in the forthcoming issues.
We have the many Caesars of Rome with us too. I was surprised
Email us at:
at their diverse personalities and even by just how many they were;
We welcome your letters, while reserving the
I think you will be too. Our other history story details the 1865 right to edit them for length and clarity. By
tragedy on the Matterhorn, and, even more interestingly, sending us your letter, you permit us to publish
it in the magazine. We regret that
what the opinions on mountaineering were at the time. we cannot always reply personally to letters.
Among our India stories, alongside Urvashi Butalia’s profile
of Premchand this issue, we’re thrilled to have mythology expert
Devdutt Pattanaik join us in a new series on Indian mythology. DOWNLOAD THIS
He begins with a analysis of how the perception of the great CURRENT ISSUE FROM
god Indra has changed down the centuries, and it makes •
fascinating reading.
Because, when it comes down to it, all knowledge is magical, isn’t it?
Primrose Monteiro-D’Souza
Editor & Chief Community Officer,
BBC Knowledge