Page 4 - BBC Knowledge - October 2017 IN
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                                           A TIMES OF INDIA PUBLICATION
                           Volume 7 Issue 6  • October 2017  `125  FEATURES
                             SCIENCE • HISTORY • NATURE • FOR THE CURIOUS MIND       Tragedy on the Matterhorn
                         the unpoppable     caesars of                      60
                                            the many
                                                                                     Follow the conquest of the great
                                                                            Alpine peak and see how a story of triumph
                             +  other mad  science ideas
                                             can we
                                            stop them?                      turned to tragedy
                                                                                     Lake of Giants
                                              new                                    See how a family of magnificent
                                           the changing                     giant otters establishes dominance over
                      123RF  R.N.I.MAHENG/2010/35422  lord indra            a lake in the Peruvian Amazon
                                           perception of
                       Cover Final Sep - Oct 17.indd   1  22/08/17   11:22 AM
                       Cover Story                                                  The Transformation
                            DIY Science                         New         72of Lord Indra
                   Entertaining and eye-opening experiments   Series!       In a new series on Indian mythology, expert
                     to try at home with family and friends                 Devdutt Pattanaik traces the changing perception
                                                                            of Lord Indra

                                                                                     Hackers: Can They
                                                                            76  be Beaten?
                                                                            When it comes to hackers, who draws
                                                                            the line between pure evil, social menace
                                                                            and harmless fun?

                                                                                     The other Caesars
                                                                                     History has painted Rome’s first rulers
                                                                            as monsters, but there are also those that brought
                                                                            peace and stability to the empire

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