Page 5 - BBC Sky at Night Beginners Guide to Astronomy - 2017 UK
P. 5


                                                               The Beginners’ Guide to Astronomy is published by Immediate Media
                                                               Company Bristol Limited under licence from BBC Worldwide.

                                                               Editor Chris Bramley
                                                               Writer Anton Vamplew
                                                               Production Kev Lochun, Russell Deeks, Rob Banino
          74 Observing variable stars
                                                               ART AND PICTURES
          76 Introducing the Moon                              Art Director Michelle Mclaren
                                                               Design Steve Marsh, Lynne Guyler, Sheu Ho
          78 Observing the Moon                                Picture Research Steve Marsh, Sarah Kennett
                                                               ADVERTISING SALES
          80 Top 10 Moon sights                                Advertising Director Caroline Herbert
                                                               Advertisement Manager Steve Grigg 0117 314 8365
          82 Observing the Sun                                 Inserts Laurence Robertson 00 353 87 690 2208
          84 Sights on the Sun                                 PRODUCTION
                                                               Production Manager Emma McGuinness
          86 Solar eclipses                                    Production Director Sarah Powell
                                                               Ad Services Manager Mel Watkins
          88 Lunar eclipses                                    Ad Co-ordinator Fred Bennett
                                                               Ad Designer Nathaniel Brain
          90  The planets, part 1                              Reprographics Tony Hunt, Chris Sutch
               – introduction                                  Head of Licensing and Syndication Joanna Marshall

          92  The planets, part 2                              MARKETING
                                                               Head of Circulation Rob Brock
               – terrestrial worlds                            Head of Marketing Marie Davies
                                                               Marketing Co-ordinator Georgina Pearson
          94  The planets, part 3                              Head of Press and PR Carolyn Wray 0117 314 8812

              – gas giants                                     Publisher Andrew Davies
          96 Observing Jupiter’s moons                         Managing Director Andy Marshall
          98 Observing Saturn’s moons                          Chairman Stephen Alexander
                                                               Deputy Chairman Peter Phippen
          100 Comets                                           CEO Tom Bureau

          102 Shooting stars                                   BBC WORLDWIDE MAGAZINES UNIT
                                                               Managing Director Nicholas Brett
          104 Meteorites                                       Publishing Director James Hewes
                                                               Editorial Director Jenny Potter
          106 Satellites                                       Unit Co-ordinator Eva Abramik
                                                               EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Nicholas Brett, Tom Bureau, Deborah
          108 Aurorae                                          Cohen, Jane Fletcher, James Hewes, John Lynch, Jenny Potter, Kathy Sykes

          110 The Milky Way                                    SUBSCRIPTION RATES FOR SKY AT NIGHT MAGAZINE
                                                               Annual subscription rates (inc P&P): UK cheque/credit card £57; Europe &
          112 Observing the Milky Way                          Eire Airmail £69; rest of world airmail £79. To order, call 0844 844 0260
                                                               © Immediate Media Company Bristol Limited 2012
          114 Deep sky – nebulae                               ISBN 0563531876
                                                               All rights reserved. No part of the Beginners’ Guide to Astronomy may be
                                                               reproduced in any form or by means either wholly or in part, without prior written
          116 Deep sky – supernovae                            permission of the publisher. Not to be re-sold, lent or hired out or otherwise disposed
                                                               of by way of trade at more than the recommended retail price (subject to VAT in the
          118 Deep sky – galaxies and clusters                 Republic of Ireland) or in mutilated condition.
                                                               Immediate Media Company Bristol Limited is working to ensure that all of its paper
          120 The Messier Catalogue                            is sourced from well-managed forests. This magazine can be recycled, for use in
                                                               newspapers and packaging. Please remove any gifts, samples or wrapping and
                                                               dispose of it at your local collection point.
          122 The Andromeda Galaxy

                                                               The publisher, editor and authors accept no responsibility in respect of any products,
                                                               goods or services that may be advertised or referred to in this issue for any errors,
                                                               omissions, mis-statements or mistakes in any such advertisements or references.
                                                                                2012  05
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