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P. 41
Bindi Irwin, 19
Her father, the famous “Croco-
dile Hunter” Steve Irwin, died in
an accident in 2006. Bindi was
only 8 years old, but she contin-
ues his legacy by working with
the water park SeaWorld. “It’s
the type of sadness that never
goes away. It’s like losing a
piece of your heart forever,” said
the teenager in an interview
Matilda Ledger, 12 about losing her father.
The last role that Heath Ledger
played was possibly the most
acclaimed of his career: that of
The Joker in the 2008 movie The
Dark Knight. That same year, the
actor died of an accidental drug
overdose. His daughter, Matilda,
with actress Michelle Williams
was just 2 years old. “Matilda is
a lot like her dad, but she also
has the beauty of her mother—
she’s a lucky girl,” said Williams
in an interview.
Birkhead, 11
The one-time Playboy model
Anna Nicole Smith died of
an overdose in 2007.
Meadow Walker, 19 Dannielynn, her only surviv-
ing child, was 5 months old
at the time of Smith’s death.
Paul Walker, the famous actor Birkhead, like her mother, is
from The Fast and the Furious fran- also modeling. “Some days
chise, died tragically and unex- she’s sad because her mother
pectedly in a car accident in 2013. is not here, but usually she
His daughter Meadow was 15 at accepts it and says, ‘My
the time. Although she has a mil- mom is an angel’, “ said her
lion followers on Instagram, the father Larry Birkhead.
teenager doesn’t spend much time
on social media.
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