Page 42 - Hola_USA
P. 42




          Salma Hayek spoke out to
          help the victims of the cat-
          astrophic earthquake that                                             Celebrities employ their
          devastated her native
          country. The producer and                                             fame to help those who
          humanitarian launched a
          fundraiser on CrowdRise,                                                 need aid the most
          part of GoFundMe, start-
          ing with a personal dona-
          tion of $100,000.
                                                                                  lthough it can be difficult to
                                                                              Abelieve, tragedies can also
                                                                              bring about good things. This has
                                                                              been a difficult year for countries
                                                                              like Mexico and the United States as
                                                                              well as the islands of Puerto Rico and
                                                                              the Virgin Islands due to recent hurri-
                                                                              canes and earthquakes. However, in
                                                                              the midst of the tragedies, celebrities
            MEXICO CITY—2017                                                  like Daddy Yankee, Ricky Martin, Lin-
                                                                              Manuel Miranda, Salma Hayek, and
                                                                              J.Lo—to name a few—lifted spirits by
                                                                              reminding the world that solidarity
           Natalia Jiménez (left) and                                         goes beyond fame and status.
           Alejandra Espinoza partici-
           pated in Univision’s telethon                                        First they organized one of the
           Unidos por los nuestros, to                                        most celebrity-studded telethons for
           raise funds for the victims of                                     those affected by hurricane Harvey
           hurricanes Harvey, Irma,                                                                            MATT WINKELMEYER/GETTY IMAGES; UNIVISION; SIPA USA/THE GROSBY GROUP MIAMI (2)
           and Maria, and the earth-                                          in Houston, TX. Then Daddy Yankee
           quake in Mexico.                                                   turned his concerts into donation
                                                                              points for Puerto Rico. We also saw
                                                                              Diego Luna carrying supplies for
                                                                              the earthquake victims of his dear
                                                                              Mexico. Here are some of the stars
                                                                              who lent a helping hand to those
                                                                              who needed it the most.

                                         The actor Diego Luna                     From left: Ximena Duque,
                                         joined many fellow                       Roxana García, and
                                         Mexicans to carry boxes                  Elizabeth Gutiérrez
                                         and organize shipments                   actively participated in a
                                         on trucks to places in the               donation drive in Miami
                                         country’s capital and in the             to help Mexico and
                                         states of Oaxaca, Morelos,               Puerto Rico.
                                         and Puebla.
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