Page 49 - Hola_USA
P. 49
Do you still feel like you’re
the creative force behind
C a rol’s D au g ht er? Yes,
Do you think your brand has
shook up the beauty industry?
How is it different from other
brands? Carol’s Daughter has
been a pioneer in the multicultural
beauty arena and a brand with
ingredients and formulations that
have always been on the cutting
edge. We didn’t even mention some make people feel
of our ingredients or attributes good about them-
because people didn’t know what selves. So that
they were. I’ve been using shea but- they would feel
ter since 1993, I have sulfate- and healthy and beau-
detergent-free shampoos since tiful. I was doing
1995, and I was using oils for the something that I
hair, face and body long before they loved.
became a beauty trend.
Do you t h i n k
Did you think it would be so popu- t h a t b e a u t y
lar? No, not at all. I was in the busi- brands in general are becoming Lisa Price with some of her favorite
ness to make good products, to increasingly more inclusive? In celebs (clockwise): Jay-Z, Mary J. Blige
general, no, not yet. There is defi- and Jada Pinkett Smith.
nitely an awareness and I see tons of
changes, but it still isn’t “the norm.”
SHOP one else. She didn’t feel like herself
HOLA.COM Do you think that addressing multi- without them. It was her statement.
cultural need is imperative for a
Her confidence. It was part of who
brand to be successful? Absolutely. she was. For me, it’s my aroma. My
And not just from the perspective of fragrance is my accessory. My
skin color. The definition of beauty armor, my tool.
is so wide right now. Full-figured
women, transgender men and What advice do you have for young
women, more athletic body types, people trying to start their own
less makeup, a ton of makeup, etc. businesses? To know what makes
You have to know who you are, who them happy, what they’re passionate
your consumers are and how they about and to pursue it. To make
want to be spoken to. sure that they are going to feel
inspired. And while you build it and
Do beauty products empower mold it, to pay attention to your sto-
women? Are they tools to improve ries and how you tell them. Your
self-confidence? They can be. I brand and your business and your
met a woman years ago, a writer. mission and your goals are all woven
She always wore lipstick. She could together in a beautiful tapestry that
be wearing no makeup whatsoever, becomes your life.
but she always had lipstick on. And
her lipstick tended to be bold. She If you had to define Carol’s Daugh-
Almond Cookie Dry Oil Body Spray, Hair Milk
4-in-1 “Combing” Creme, Acai Hydrating w a s a n It a l ia n woma n w it h ter in five words, what would they
Foaming Face Wash, Healthy Hair Butter olive-colored skin and dark hair be? Loving, passionate, patient, pio-
Protective Cream Hairdress, Love Butter Shea &
Cocoa Body Balm. All from Carol’s Daughter. and she could wear red lips like no neer and brave. n —MARIANA CORNEJO
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