Page 98 - Hola_USA
P. 98
The first place that truly
amazed Leonor as an adult
was the Atacama Desert.
aunts, and my 20 cousins all at once. It was this creative industry.” amazed her as an adult was the Atacama
a fantastic summer. I will be forever marked She considers herself very fortunate and Desert. “I’m obviously biased, since I have
by those delicious grapes and the grandeur has shown a remarkable freedom in the a particular affinity with the north, having
of the starry night. It is an incomparable way she picks her roles, from co-starring spent many summers in Valle del Elqui. But
place to see the Milky Way.” with Wesley Snipes in Blade II to partner- when I returned to Chile as a young adult
She was also amazed at the amount ing with Jean Reno and Gerard Depardieu to shoot a French movie in San Pedro de
of room in her family’s new apartment. in the French comedy megahit Tais-toi. Atacama and its surroundings, it was love
“I was 8 years old when we moved to Leo goes back to Chile at least once a at first sight. I have been back many times
Providencia, in Pocuro, right in front of year, but some years she visits up to seven and never grow tired of what it offers.”
the park before Tobalaba. My grandfather times. “All of Chile, outside of the capital. She still has a lot of places on her bucket
was in the construction business, so he For me, it’s about nature.” list, like the enchanting Chiloé Island and
moved us into this ground level apartment. Her favorite place to connect with nature Torres del Paine Natural Park. “Right now
It was so big! So much bigger than what I is Patagonia, but the first place that truly I’m slowly discovering the south and loving ISTOCK (2)
had been used to, at least.”
Valle del Elqui and the north of Chile are
places that remain in her heart until this Leonor recommends that while
in Chile, if you have a few more
day. “My father’s ashes are scattered there, days to spare, hop on over to
and there is one particular tree I have been Easter Island for a magnificent
climbing to eat figs since I was a little girl. I trip. It is famous for its 887 ex-
tant monumental statues, called
feel very connected to life there.” moai, created by the early
The family moved to Paris when Leo Rapa Nui people.
was 12 years old and the city made a
strong impression on her. “Very soon I
was learning to draw and play classical
guitar, taking dance lessons, and soon
after I was in an acting class. My father
would take me to the theater and opera
there. And also the movies when I was a
little girl living in Colorado. I think all of
that created in me a desire to be part of
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