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it. Patagonia is definitely mind-blowing. I She has been an activist on marine and FAVORITES
have only started going over the course environmental issues for several organiza-
of the last three years and have yet to dis- tions, such as Oceana, NRDC, Save the Best Chef: Carlo Von Mülhenbrock
cover so many other places. One of the Whales, Make-A-Wish and NatGeo. from Osadía.
places that has taken my breath away is “I’m also very proud of what my country
Robinson Crusoe Island. It is the most wild has committed to doing with ocean conser- Best Designer: Octavio Pizarro.
and untouched place I have ever been to vation. We are a small country with lots of
on earth. There is beauty and harmony problems, yet we have positioned ourselves Best Restaurant: La Mar.
everywhere you look. And the locals are a as leaders in ocean conservation. We
true inspiration on sustainable fishing and have a very large percentage of no-touch Best Dish: I’m obsessed with sea
lifestyle. I also spent a couple of weeks zones and the largest marine reserve of
in Caleta Tortel, another place that blew South America! But still, the current state of Best Wine: I serve Tamaya at home,
my mind with its very unique architecture affairs demands we keep doing more. We it is a fantastic wine that has many
and charm. It’s a small town built on wood certainly need to improve on committing to cépages and is not crazy expensive.
and creating more clean energy at a rea-
palafitos [stilt houses] that seem to blend
ISTOCK (3); PHOTO COURTESY OF LA MAR love for the ocean. “Clearly, I’m obsessed! way in this field by using our abundant nat- to experience the desert and south to
Best Itinerary: You have to go north
sonable price. I hope we can also lead the
with nature in the most amazing way.”
Leo is as big on family as she is on her
experience the lush Patagonia. So I’d
ural resources to power up our economic
say after a day or two in Santiago split
I took my now-husband to Tunquén on our
growth,” she says with enthusiasm.
the time between the two. And if you
The award-winning actress is also work-
first weekend together; so you see, I do
still have a few more days to spare,
ing in a new movie with Chilean director
really mean it.” She goes to the sea when
hop over to Easter Island for a few
she wants to feel inspired and romantic.
Francisca Alegría to be shot in the south
Leonor says Robinson days! You won’t regret it.
Crusoe Island takes her
breath away—one of
the most wild and un-
touched places she’s
ever been to on earth.
Above, La Mar, consid-
ered one of the
best international
food restaurants in
Santiago de Chile.
Left, sea urchins
from Chile,
Leonor’s culinary
obsession. Below, a
placid view of
“I love the strength and wild beauty of the of Chile. “I think you never forget where
Pacific in Chile.” In an ideal world, if she your roots are. And I have made a con-
could live in Chile, she would pick the cen- scious choice to nourish my relationship
tral coast. “A little high up, just in case the with Chile. It matters to me to be a part of
earth decides to shake things up!” its growth and to give back where I feel
Her admiration has gone a long way. it’s needed the most.” n —ANGELA LANG