Page 4 - The Economist Asia January 2018
P. 4

4 Contents

                                            International            Science and technology  The Economist January 27th 2018
                                         50 Winter sports          66 Genomics
                                            Skiing goes downhill     Sequencing the world
                                                                   67 Ethnomusicology
                                            Business                 Beyond Babel
                                         53 The car industry       68 Medicine
                                            General Uber-Motors      Liver in a box
                                         54 Qualcomm’s woes        69 Supersonic flight
                                            A fine habit              Boom boxed
                                         55 WhatsApp
               Skiing Global warming and    Zuckerberg’s other       Books and arts         Gene mapping An ambitious
               ageing populations pose a    headache                                        effort to map, store and
               double threat to winter sports.                     70 Political thought     disseminate genetic
               The industry’s response is  55 Luxury goods           Why liberalism failed  information about much of life
               making it all worse, page 50  Online, upmarket      71 Democracy in America  on Earth gets under way,
                                         56 The avocado market       The Trump train        page 66
                                            Lack of guac           72 Profane language
                                         57 Arbitration agreements   Swearing is good for you
                                            Kept out of the courthouse  73 The second world war  Subscription service
                                         58 Schumpeter               A lost memoir, now found  For our full range of subscription offers,
                                                                                            including digital only or print and digital
                                            GE’s accounts          73 John Ashbery          combined visit
                                                                     Wordsmith              You can subscribe or renew your subscription
                                                                                            by mail, telephone or fax at the details below:
                                            Finance and economics                           Telephone:  +65 6534 5166
                                         59 Morgan Stanley         76 Economic and financial  Facsimile:  +65 6534 5066
                                            Tediously does it        indicators             E-mail:
                                         60 Buttonwood               Statistics on 42 economies,  Post:   The Economist
                                                                                                  Subscription Centre,
                                            Volatility’s eerie absence  plus a closer look at the
               American giants GM takes an                           world’s richest football     Tanjong Pagar Post Office
               unexpected lead in the race to  61 Microfinance        clubs                        PO Box 671
                                                                                                  Singapore 910817
               develop autonomous vehicles,  Bucks after the bang
                                                                                            Subscription for 1 year (51 issues)Print only
               page 53. If they are to save the  61 European lending                        Australia          A$465
               firm, GE’s bosses and board   Avoiding the banks       Obituary               China            CNY 2,300
                                                                                            Hong Kong & Macau
               need better information:  62 Nigeria’s economy      78 Paul Bocuse           India             10,000
                                                                                                            Yen 44,300
               Schumpeter, page 58          Central-banker shortage  The maker of chefs     Japan          KRW 375,000
                                                                                            Malaysia          RM 780
                                         63 Poverty and migration                           New Zealand       NZ$530
                                            Bangladeshi experiment                          Singapore & Brunei   S$425
                                                                                            Taiwan           NT$9,000
                                         63 Hyperinflation                                   Thailand    Contact us as above
                                                                                            Other countries
                                            Bolívar blues
                                         64 Free exchange
                                            Regulating finance                              Principal commercial offices:
                                                                                           The Adelphi Building, 1-11John Adam Street,
                                                                                           London WC2N 6HT
                                                                                           Tel: +44 (0) 20 7830 7000
                                                                                           Rue de l’Athénée 32
                                                                                           1206 Geneva, Switzerland
                                                                                           Tel: +4122 566 2470
                                                                                           750 3rd Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10017
               Investment banks The battle                                                 Tel: +1212 5410500
               between Morgan Stanley and                                                  1301Cityplaza Four,
               Goldman Sachs is a parable of                                               12 Taikoo Wan Road, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong
               post-crisis finance: leader,                                                 Tel: +852 2585 3888
               page 11. Morgan’s recovery is a                                             Other commercial offices:
               huge achievement with, so far,                                              Chicago, Dubai, Frankfurt, Los Angeles,
               modest results, page 59.                                                    Paris, San Francisco and Singapore
               Volatility has been low, and
               that encourages risk-taking:
                                                                                                    PEFC certified
               Buttonwood, page 60. Blame
                                                                                                    This copy of The Economist
               recurring financial crises on                                                         is printed on paper sourced
               the political temptations of                                                         from sustainably managed
                                                                                                    forests, recycled and controlled
               deregulation: Free exchange,                                                         sources certified by PEFC
               page 64
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              Publisher: The Economist. Printed by Times Printers (in Singapore).
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