Page 7 - The Economist Asia January 2018
P. 7

The Economist January 27th 2018
                                                                                                   The world this week 7
                                        Paul Romer resigned as chief  The European Commission  which is buying21st Century
              Business                  economist at the World Bank.  imposed a €997m ($1.2bn) fine  Fox’s entertainment assets,
                                        His two-yeartenure was a  on Qualcomm forpaying    includingits stake in Sky.
              The Trump administration  rocky one. MrRomerhad    money to Apple between 2011
              dismayed advocates offree  chided stafffortheirpoor  and 2016 with the aim ofentic-  In its biggest deal for17 years,
              trade by slappingpunitive  grammarand overuse ofthe  ingit to place Qualcomm’s  American International
              tariffs on American imports of  word “and”, forexample, and  chips in all iPhones and iPads.  Group agreed to pay $5.6bn for
              solarpanels and washing   was recently embroiled in a  It is the latest in a number of  Validus, a reinsurerbased in
              machines, and defended the  row with staffabout the  hefty antitrust penalties levied  Bermuda. AIG today is a much
              move as a way to protect  methodology behind the   by various jurisdictions on  leanerinsurance company
              American manufacturers    bank’s annual ease ofdoing  Qualcomm, which is also  than before the financial crisis;
              threatened by cheap Asian  business report.        tusslingwith Apple foralleg-  its acquisition ofValidus sig-
              goods. Chinese officials de-                         edly overchargingforits intel-  nals the end ofa longperiod of
              scribed the duties as a “mis-  The American Senate con-  lectual-property licences.   retrenchment forthe firm.
              use” oftrade sanctions, but  firmed Jerome Powell as the
              held backfrom imposing    next chairman ofthe Federal  There was no let up in General  The road ahead
              retaliatory measures. Mean-  Reserve. He will take overfrom  Electric’s misery. The troubled  Tesla Motors put forward a
              while, 11countries that border  Janet Yellen on February 3rd.  conglomerate reported a loss  new ten-yearpay deal forElon
              the Pacific, includingJapan,  The 84-13 vote in favourofMr  of$9.8bn forthe fourth quar-  Musk that links his compensa-
              Canada and Australia, agreed  Powell was a widermargin of  ter, as it booked a previously  tion to very ambitious perfor-
              on the final draft ofa free-trade  support than that forMs Yellen  announced charge to its insur-  mance benchmarks. The boss
              pact, from which MrTrump  fouryears ago, although sever-  ance business and tooka  ofthe electric-carcompany
              withdrew America duringhis  al bighitters from both parties  $3.5bn hit because oftaxre-  receives no salary, but he could
              early days in office.       voted against him, including  form. It also revealed that the  be awarded up to $55bn in
                                        Elizabeth Warren, Ted Cruz  Securities and Exchange Com-  share options if—a very big
              Quids in                  and Marco Rubio.         mission is investigatingits  if—Tesla’s market value grows
                                                                 accountingpractices.      to $650bn, from the $58bn it is
                Dollars per pound       Puerto Rico’s governor, Ricar-                     worth today.
                                        do Rosselló, proposed privatis-  Britain’s competition regulator
                          Brexit vote   ingthe island’s crippled and  concluded that the bid by  As part ofits restructuring
                                        debt-laden electricity firm. Last  Rupert Murdoch’s 21st  process, Toys ‘R’ Us revealed
                                        yearMrRosselló intervened to  CenturyFox to take full con-  that it will close around 180 of
                                        stop the utility, known as  trol ofSky, Britain’s premier  its 880 stores in America.
                                        Prepa, from fallingunderthe  subscription-TV broadcaster,  Children outside the United
                                  1.2   control ofthe federal oversight  would hand the Murdoch  States will be happy to hear
                                        board that has been appointed  family “too much influence  that the company has no plans
                 2014  15  16  17 18
                                        to manage Puerto Rico’s bank-  overpublic opinion and the  to close its more than 700
                Source: Thomson Reuters
                                        ruptcy. That was before Hurri-  political agenda”. Regulators  international stores, fornow.
              The pound breached $1.40 for  cane Maria. Athird ofhomes  may feel differently once Sky,
              the first time since June 2016,  and businesses are still  and specifically its news chan-  Other economic data and news
              when Britain’s vote to leave  without power.       nel, is in the hands ofDisney,  can be found on pages 76-77
              the EU prompted a sell-offin
              the currency. Sterlinghas risen
              against the dollarbecause
              markets are more optimistic
              that Brexit won’t end messily;
              the greenbackhas been falling
              steadily since Donald Trump
              came to power. Steven Mnu-
              chin, the treasury secretary,
              welcomed a weakdollar,
              sayingit would improve
              American trade prospects.
              Afterhe made the remarkthe
              dollarfell to a three-year low
              against a basket ofcurrencies.
              The IMF issued an unusually
              upbeat assessment ofthe
              world economy, highlighting
              “notable upside surprises” in
              Europe and Asia that have
              helped lead to “the broadest
              synchronised global growth
              upsurge since 2010”. It revised
              its forecast upwards forworld
              GDP growth in 2018 and 2019 to
              3.9% forboth years.
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