Page 108 - BBC Wildlife - August 2017 UK
P. 108

            THE PANEL

             STUART BLACKMAN
               Science writer

              AMY-JANE BEER


               MIKE TOMS             Q
               Ornithologist            NEW SCIENCE
                                    Why are giant

                                    pandas black
            Author of Bizarre Botany

                                    and white?

              RICHARD JONES

                                    A   Black and white mammals have proved
                                    something of a problem for biologists.
                                    Decades of investigation have failed to
                Q&A editor          pin down a robust explanation for the
                                    zebra’s famous stripes. Neither is there
                                    a shortage of possibilities for the panda’s
                                    monochromatic splodges, including heat
                                    retention, camouflage and as a warning
              MATT DOGGETT          to potential predators.
              Marine biologist
                                      The latest analysis suggests that it stems
                                    ultimately from the bears’ nutritionally
                                    poor bamboo diet, which forces them to be
                                    active year-round instead of hibernating over
                                    the winter. In which case, the pattern is a
               HELEN ROY        Panda: Andy Rouse/ (captive); curlew: Dan e e Occhiato/Minden/FLPA; geese: Ann and Steve T oon/Alamy; spider: James Carmichael Jr/NHPA/Photoshot   compromise between camouflage in both
             Alien species expert
                                    snowy and summer conditions. Even if this
                                    does prove correct, there is probably still
                                    more to it, because there is good evidence
                                    that the black ears and eyes play a role in
                                    communication and individual recognition.
               BEN GARROD
             Evolutionarybiologist  Stuart Blackman

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          or post to Q&A, BBC Wildlife
          Magazine, Immediate Media
          Company, 2nd Floor,Tower House,
          Fairfax Street, Bristol BS1 3BN
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