Page 109 - BBC Wildlife - August 2017 UK
P. 109


         Q BIRDS                                Q  BIRDS
          Howw does a bird                     What is moult migration?
          get red-listed?
           A Thhe‘red list’is one of three categories   Moult migration is a form of   sites usually lie to the north of the
           (with‘green and amber ) used to identifygreen’and‘amber’) used to identify  migration seen in some ducks and   breeding range, which is why we
           the conservation status of birds in the UK,  geese. It occurs towards the end of the   see introduced Canada geese from
           Channel Islands and Isle of Man. Status  breeding season and sees individuals   southern Britain gathering at sites
           is reviewed periodically, with the most  travel a substantial distance to gather   in Scotland. The moult migrations
           recent taking place in 2015. Evidence of a  at traditional sites. These sites are   undertaken by ducks tend to be more
           significant decline in breeding population  selected because they offer food and   variable in terms of the direction
           was the most important criterion, and  safety from predators, allowing the   flown. British shelducks, for
           67 species were red-listed, including the   birds to replace their flight feathers – a   example, fly east to join thousands
           curlew (above) and pue  ffin.       process that leaves them flightless and   of other individuals from elsewhere
           Mike Toms                           potentially vulnerable.        in western Europe at moulting sites
                                                 In geese, only the non-breeders   located on the tidal mudflats of
                                               or those individuals whose breeding   Germany’s Wadden Sea. MT
                                               attempts have failed make moult
                                               migrations. The selected moulting

                                                                                                        Canada geese,
                                                                                                     introduced to the
                                                                                                       UK in 1665, are
                                                                                                      now widespread.

                                              Q  BIOLOGY

                                             Can any animay

                                             mate with two

                                             partners at onc

                                              A  In some fish, frogs and other externally fertilis
                                             not unusual for females to be smothered by multi
                                             for the best position to fertilise her eggs. And in s
                                             fertilising species, individuals of either sex may c
                                             than one mate in quick succession. In only one, t
                                             American dotted wolf spider – are females routin
                     The panda’s diet – the latest   by two males simultaneously, something madeposssible bythe  It’s double
                     explanation for its distinctive   females having two reproductive openings. Courting a potentiallyill  t trouble forbl f
                     coloration – consists almost   cannibalistic female is perilous for the males, which is why some  female dotted
                    entirely of bamboo. The plant’s                                                wolf spiders at
                     scant nutritional value means   suitors adopt the strategy of loitering in the shadows while their  mating time.
                       the animals must eat up to   rivals take their chances. Only when the female has been subdued
                          38kg of the stuff daily.  will theobserver nip in to join the party. SB
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