Page 12 - BBC Wildlife - August 2017 UK
P. 12




           Make your sightings count

           Celebrate the 60th anniversary of Caerlaverock
           NNR at this bioblitz organised by WWT Caerlaverock
           and Scottish Natural Heritage in Dumfries and
           Galloway. Natural history experts will be on hand to
           help you find, identify and record as many different
           animals as possible, including rare water beetles,
           spiders, moths, bats andbryophytes. Visitors will
           also get thechance to try ponddipping, check moth
           traps and attend a guided walk on thesaltmarsh.                                           Keep a look out for
           O 12 August, WWT Caerlaverock. Normal admission fees apply,                               common frogs and
                                                                                                    other amphibians at
           free for WWT members,
                                                                                                     WWT Caerlaverock.

                                                                                            When the sun
           Reptile ramble             SALVAGING OCEAN PLASTIC
           in Wales                   Discover an array of thought-provoking images on the Dorset   goes down
                                      coast at this ‘SOUP’ (a description given to suspended   Attend a rockpooling event
           Help conservation staff    oceanic debris) exhibition by photographer Mandy Barker.   with atwist–ittakes place in
           and volunteers at Parc Slip   Displayed in the Fine Foundation Gallery at Durlston   the dark! Search for coastal
           Nature Reserve, Bridgend,   Castle, the pictures depict plastics and discarded items   creatures using a torch, and if
           to survey amphibians and   found on beaches around the world. The series of colourful   you’re really luckyyou could see
           reptiles. You will have access   photographs follow a narrative and aim to spread awareness   bioluminescent plankton. If not,
           to areas of the reserve that   of marine litter. SOUP: Refused (pictured) contains rubbish   you still have a good chance of
           are usually closed to the   that marine animals have chewed or attempted to ingest.   finding sea slaters (related to
           public in order to search   O 11–28 August, Durlston Country Park, Swanage, free event,    woodlice), skeleton shrimps
           for grass snakes (below),                                and plenty of shore crabs.
           adders, great crested                                                            O 19August, Durgan Beach, Cornwall,
           newts and slow worms.                                                            free event,
           O 17 August, Parc Slip Nature
           Reserve, adult ticket £5,
           child £2, booking is essential,

       pondd pp ng: Nat ona T rust Images andDav dLevenson; brown argus: N ckEdge Common frog: R chard Hesketh; grass snake:VMatthews; SOUP: Mandy Barker; rockpoo ng:A an Barker;  LATE SUMMER EVENTS IN BRIEF  ON THE  o  BEARS’ PICNIC

                                     UNDERWATER WORLD
          Join staff or volunteers at RSPB
                                     Go pond dipping with your family
                                                                                                       re invited to
                                     at Gibside,Northumberland.
          Lakenheath Fento look for
                                                                                                       gh Nature
                                                                 summer b
          and photograph two arguably
                                                                                                       ingham, for a
                                                                 such as the
                                     Fishing nets and waterproof
                                                                 argus (right)
                                                                                                        nic. Bring along
                                          cameras will be provided
                                                                                                         rite teddy bear
                                                                 guided Butte
                                             by NationalTrust
          groups – spiders
          and hoverflies.
          30 August,
                                                                 2 September,
                                                                                                           ugust 2017
          12  BBC Wildlife                     costs £5.         Wingate Quarr                            er bingo.
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