Page 15 - BBC Wildlife - August 2017 UK
P. 15


         Q EVOLUTION
         GROWTH                                                                               EXPLAINE

         SPURTS                                                                               6FLHQWLĶFWHUPVSXWLQWRSODLQ
         Baleen whales – the largest
         animals that have ever lived                                                         ECOSYSTEMSERVICES
         – reached their immense size                                                         There are many reasons
         only recently, according to new                                                      to conserve species,
         research. And the scientists                                                         habitats and ecosystems.
         behind it think they know why.                                                       Increasingly,they are being
           “We might imagine that                                                             valued in terms of their
         whales just graduallygot bigger                                                      contribution to sustaining
       Wha e: F p Nicklin/Minden/FLPA; goats: Dave Watts/; bee: Solvin Zank/; frog: Ross Maynard/The Biod vers ty Group
         over time,” says the University                                     Goats in high    an environment fit for
         of Chicago’s Graham Slater.                                           places are     humans.The ecosystem
         “But our analyses show that this                                    helping argan    services providedbya
                                                                             trees to grow.
         idea doesn’t hold up.”        Q BIOLOGY                                              forest,for example,might
           Their survey of the fossil                                                         include flood prevention,
         record found that, quite      SPITTING DISTANCE                                      climate regulation and
         independently, the rorquals,                                                         provision of biological
         bowheads and right whales     Hooves aren’t the best   up to chew the cud. Seeds     resources.Likewise,vultures
         underwent dramaticsize        implements for climbing  can remain in the stomach     reduce disease by removing
         increases around two or three  trees. But in Morocco,  for hours or days, so they    carcasses.Such services
         million years ago, while many  domestic goats have got it  may be transported far    are economically significant,
         small species disappeared.    down to a fine art.      from the parent plant.        though putting a price on
           “Something changed in         In autumn, the goats     “In many plant              them has proved tricky.
         the recent past that created  spend three-quarters     species, large seeds are
         an incentive to be a giant,”  of their foraging time   anachronistic traits –
         saysSlater.                   tiptoeing through the    adaptations to dispersal
           Somethinghad indeed         topmost branches of argan  by large-bodied megafauna
         changed.The growth spurt      trees, feeding on the fruit  that are now extinct,”
         followed theonset ofthe ice   and foliage.             José Fedriani of Portugal’s
         ages, when nutrient-rich melt-  The argan fruit’s seeds are  University of Lisbon told
         waters from ice-caps created  too big to pass comfortably  BBC Wildlife.
         hugely productive ocean       through a goat, so the     “It could be that goats
         patches that shifted with the  animals spit them out –  are ‘rescuing’ the tree by
         seasons. Bigger whales would  either as they feed or later,  providing an alternative
         have exploited the temporary  when they bring it all back  means of seed dispersal.”
         bounties of krill and fishmore                                                       Pollinating insects such as
         efficiently and covered large  SOURCE Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment LINK  the European honeybee are
                                                                                              crucial to food production.
         distances more easily.

                                     NEW SPECIES

                                     WATER GLASS FROG

                                     WHAT IS IT? The glass frogs of tropical America
                                     are named after their transparent belly skin, which
                                     renders their internal organs visible. In this new
                                     species, which is just 2cm long, the transparent
                                     skin extends to the chest, exposing its heart, too.
                                     WHERE IS IT? Hyalinobatrachium yaku is known
                Blue whales can reach   from three sites in the Amazonian lowlands of
                   30m in length but   Ecuador, where “yaku” is a local word for “water”.
                  their ancestors were   Females lay their eggs on leaves overhanging
                    fewer than 10m.                                           Water glass
                                     streams and the males guard them until they   frogs breed near
                                     hatch, when the tadpoles drop into the water.  pristine streams.
         SOURCE Proceedings of the Royal Society
         LINK  SOURCE ZooKeyss LINK
         August 2017                                                                                  BBC Wildlife  15
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