Page 121 - BBC Wildlife - August 2017 UK
P. 121


          CROSSWORD                                          Win a prize with              WILD WORDS
                                                             our brain-teaser.
                                                             Compiled by RICHARD SMYTH

                                                                    Answers in
                                                                   our October
                                                                    2017 issue

                                                                                           1) The definition for pilser
                                                                   JUNE ANSWERS
                                                                   Across: 1 Umbria, 5      A the condition of a fowl
                                                                   Mudpuppy, 9 Snowrose,      when moulting
                                                                   10 Palila, 11 Corncockle,   B a moth or fly that runs into
                                                                   12 Wood, 13 Swiftlet,      a candle flame
                                                                   16 Sutton, 17 Attila, 19   C an old, toothless sheep
                                                                   Tamarack, 21/28 Grey
                                                                   Headed, 22 Sperm Whale,   2) The animal you associate
                                                                   25 Balaar, 26 Browntop,   with the adjective strigine
                                                                   27 Elephant.
                                                                   Down: 2 Mango, 3 Rowan,   A an owl
                                                                   4 Axolotl, 5 Meerkat,    B a squirrel
                                                                   6 Dippers, 7 Ullswater,
                                                                                            C a sealion
                                                                   8 Paleozoic, 14 Water
                                                                   Rail, 15 Fairy Wasp, 18
                                                                   Austria, 19 Tree Bat, 20   3) The offspring of a goose
                                                                   Mammoth, 23 Henna,       A a hatchling         Find out
                                                                   24 Leone.                B a poult            the answers
                                                                  JUNE PRIZE WINNER        C a gosling           on p115
                                                                   Jane Willis Hampshire
                                                                                           4) The sound linnets make
         ACROSS                    25 Omnivorous mustelid of Arctic   6 Genus of the chilean pine tree (9)
         1 Tusked wild pigs, native to Africa (8)  Eurasia and Canada (9)  7 Waterbird of South America known    A a hum
         5 The __ deer, is one of the UK’s six    27 Coastal succulent plant, native to   as the Argentine ruddy duck (4, 4)  B a twitter
         wild species (6)          Africa but now widespread (3, 3)  8 Wading bird of north Africa, now   C a chuckle
         9 The ___ accentor is a relative of the   28 The kookaburra is also known as   scarce; also known as the bald ibis (8)
         dunnock and a rare visitor to the UK (8)  the ___ jackass (8)  11 See 29 Across   5) The name for a female ferret
         10 The ___ seal is found only around one  29/11 Book on invasive species by   15 Species of nightshade, grown for its
         lake in northern Russia (6)  Fred Pearce (3, 3/4)  fleshy, edible, egg-shaped fruit (9)  A a doe
         12 New Zealand’s national bird (5, 4)  30 Australian bird species noted for its   17 Small, long-tailed monkey of    B a jill
         13 Evergreen conifer of the   extraordinary ability to mimic, imitating   South America (8)  C a vixen
         family Pinaceae (5)       other bird calls and human sounds (8)  18 Old term for animals of the super-
         14 ___ swiftlets construct their nests             order Xenarthra, such as sloths,   6) The collective noun for larks
         from saliva (4)           DOWN                     anteaters and armadillos (8)
         16 Edible mushroom also known as a   1 Plant with a thick green root; also   20 Amphibian that may be smooth    A a dopping
         bronze bolete (4, 3)      known as Japanese horseradish (6)  or great crested (4)  B an exaltation
         19 John James ___ (1785–1851) was an  2 ___ kelp, of the genus Nereocystis,   21 Marsupial related to the kangaroo (7)  David Whitaker/Alamy
                                                                                            C    a tiding
         American wildlife artist (7)  plays an important role in kelp forests (6) 22 Small songbird of New Zealand, also
         21 Plant in the family Brassicaceae,   3 Great Lake, affected by the   known as a brown creeper (6)  Questions set by ADAM JACOT DE BOINOD
         known for its use in making blue dye (4)  introduction of sea lamprey (5)  23 The yellow-___ gull closely resembles
         24Australian honeyeater that might  4 The Australian witchetty bush,   the herring gull (6)  COMPETITION WINNERS
         be black-eared, yellow-throated,  Acacia kempeana, is also known   26 Raptor whose nest is known as
                                                                                          Luxury stay in Ashdown Forest winner:
         noisy or bell (5)         as the ___ wattle (7)    an eyrie (5)                  Siobhan Jones
                                                                                          BBC Countryfile Live ticket winners:
                                                                                          Alan Ritemann, Maggie Volland, David Williams,
          WIN BEEFAYRE GOODIES                                                            Jonathan Ashdown, John Scutt, Sheree Wesson,
                                                                                          Jo Shrew, Janice Bridget, Maria Green, Thea Lett,
                                                                                          Julie Winter, Michael Magan, Simone Lane, George
          HOW TO ENTER This competition is only open to residents of the UK (including    Cottam, Elizabeth Denis, Judith Applegarth, Donna
          the Channel Islands). Post entries to BBC Wildlife Magazine, August 2017        Gilligan, Andrew Astill, Lisa Powell and Amy White
          Crossword, PO Box 501, Leicester, LE94 0AA or email the answers to
 by 5pm on 18 August 2017. Entrants must          General terms and conditions
          supply name, address and telephone number. The winner will be the first          1. Visit
          correct entry drawn at random after the closing time. The name of the winner    conditions-2017 to read the full terms and conditions.
                                                                                          2. Competitions are open to all residents of the UK,
          will appear in the October 2017 issue. By entering participants agree to be   Enter for the chance to win a   including the Channel Islands, aged 18 years or older,
          bound by the general competition terms and conditions shown on this page.  Beefayre mug, diffuser and candle,   except employees or contractors of Immediate Media
                                                                                          and anyone connected with the promotion or their
          Immediate Media Company Limited (publisher of BBC Wildlife Magazine) would love to send you   worth £58. The company is inspired   direct family members. 3. Entries received after the
                                                                                          specified closing date and time will not be considered,
          newsletters, together with special offers and other promotions. If you would not like to receive these   by nature and donates three per cent   and cannot be returned. 4. Only one entry will be
          please write ‘NO INFO’ on your entry.             of its profits to bee conservation.   permitted per person, regardless of method of entry.
          Branded BBC titles are licensed from or published jointly with BBC Worldwide (the commercial arm of   Bulk entries made by third parties will not be permitted.
          the  BBC). Please tick here  if you’d like to receive regular newsletters, special offers and promotions   O To find out more visit   5. The winning entrant will be the first correct entry
          from BBC Worldwide by email. Your information will be handled in accordance with the BBC Worldwide  drawn at random after the closing time, or, in creative
          privacy policy:                              competitions, the one that in the judges’ opinion is the
                                                                                          best. 6. Promoter: Immediate Media Co Bristol Ltd.
         August 2017                                                                                   BBC Wildlife  121
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